Jeroen van Beeck
Dean of the Faculty
Head of the Department
Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics Department
Ph.D. in Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics
Waterloosesteenweg 72
1640 Sint-Genesius-Rode
Phone: +32 2 359 96 78
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ResearchGate Personal Page
- PhD Eindhoven University of Technology (1997)
- VKI Diploma Course – specialization in Fluid Dynamics with honours (1993)
- Masters Degree in Applied Physics (1992)
2018 – present: VKI Faculty Dean
2018 – present: VKI Head of Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics Department
2009 – present: VKI Professor
2006 – present: Guest Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
2003 – 2009: Associate Professor, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI),
1997 – 2003: Assistant Professor, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI),
Awards and Memberships
Board Member EAWE (European Academicy of Wind Energy), and related work groups
Board Member Flemish-Dutch Steering Group on Wind Technology
Board Member (CA) of Association Engineering du Vent France, Belgique, Suisse
Board Member (CA) of Association Francophone de Velocimetrie Laser
Board Member of BERA (Belgian Energy Research Alliance), and BERAWIND
AVT-299 Assessment of Anti-Icing and De-Icing Technologies for Air and Sea Vehicles
Management Committee member of EC-funded COST Actions C14 and 732, and WINERCOST, related to wind energy and wind engineering
Scientific Committee of CWE2010, IBPC2009, COST C14 final conference (Chairman), PHYSMOD2007, and PHYSMOD2009 (Chairman), PHYSMOD2021
Norm committee NBN EN 1991-1-4-ANB concerning wind actions on structures
Optimess, Flemish Network in Optical Measurement Techniques
Best poster award EWEC conference 2012
Best presentation award at 19th Annual Meeting of the Institute for Liquid Atomisation and Spray Systems ILASS 2004
Winner of the VKI Excellence in Experimental Research Award 1993
Service to Society
Project evaluations for FWO (Belgium), EC, ESF, ONERA, ANR, ETH Zurich Research Commission, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Czech Republic Ministry of Education, R&D
Reviewing for following Journals: Atmospheric Environment, Boundary Layer Meteorology, Applied Optics, Applied Mechanics, Chemical Engineering Communications, Chemical Engineering Sciences, Experiments in Fluids, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, Wind & Structures, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Measurement, Science & Technology, Journal of Optical Society of America A, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Building and Environment
Main Research Interests
Wind technology: Numerical weather prediction; Wind resource assessment for wind turbines siting; Wind loading; Pedestrian wind comfort around high-rise buildings; pollutant dispersion in urban environments; Snow and sand transport; Acoustics and vibrations.
Two-phase flows: Optical diagnostics of particles, droplets and bubbles; Nucleation, condensation, evaporation and turbulent transport of two-phase flows in atmospheric, flashing, cavitating, electrochemical and nuclear environments at subsonic and supersonic conditions.
Vehicle aerodynamics: Drag reduction. Optimization techniques for vehicles and industrial processes.
Formal Courses
Guest Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). Experimental Fluid Dynamics
VKI RM: Courses on advanced measurement techniques, methodology of applied fluid dynamics, numerical simulation of industrial problems, introduction to turbulence modeling, internal compressible flows, laser optics, fluid structure interaction, boundary layers, pollutant dispersion, Atmospheric Boundary Layer wind tunnels, bluff-body aerodynamics
Invited lecturers
University Gent Blue Growth Summer School (2017-2020)
Opening new TU/e ABL wind tunnel (2017)
Burgers Symposium (2016)
Honorary Symposium Prof. Stathopoulos TU Eindhoven (2015)
Eindhoven Multiscale Institute (2013), RISOE Denmark (2011)
Opening new wind tunnel ETHZ (2011), Deutsch Energy Wind Institut (2011)
Promotor of PhD thesis
Supervisor at VKI of +/-20 Ph.Ds, +/-50 Research Master students, 50 stagiaires, 25 final year project students from most NATO countries.
Conference and Event organizer (conferences, lecture series, workshops)
Organizer of 28 VKI Lecture Series
Organizer of COST-C14 final conference at VKI, on Wind Impact on City Life
Organizer of PHYSMOD2009 international workshop at VKI, on pollutant dispersion
Research Activities
Research Activities
Participation in European research projects:
- FLIE 2000-2004; Flashing Liquids in Industrial Environments; 300 kEuro
- EUFAR 2008-2012; Airborne Interferometric Droplet Sizing; 140 kEuro
- WAUDIT 2009-2013; Wind Resource Assessment for Wind Turbine Siting; Marie Curie Initial Training Network (Coordinator CENER), 420 kEuro
- HAIC 2012-2016; High Altitude Ice Crystals, 300 kEuro
- AEOLUS4FUTURE 2015-2019; sustainable wind energy systems, 250 kEuro
- CHOPIN – 2018-2022, Insect contamination investigations and mitigation for aircraft leading edges, Cleansky Horizon2020 project, 420 kEuro
- STELLAR – 2020-2024, SmarT Eco-friendLy anticontamination technologies for LAminaR wings, 400kEuro
Archival Journals (last ten years)
[45] SENEL, C.B.; TEMEL, O.; MUNOZ ESPARZA, D.; PARENTE, A.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Gray zone partitioning functions and parameterization of turbulence fluxes in the convective atmospheric boundary layer. JGR Atmospheres, November 2020, Vol. 125, Issue 122, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.821)
[44] ALESSI, G.; VERSTRAETE, T.; KOLOSZAR, L.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Comparison of large eddy simulation and Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes evaluations with experimental tests on U-bend duct geometry. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, May 2020, Vol. 234, Issue 3, pp 315-322, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 1.563)
[43] SENEL, C.B.; TEMEL, O.; PORCHETTA, S.; MUNOZ-ESPARZA, D.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J. :A new planetary boundary layer scheme based on LES: application to the XPIA campaign. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, August 2019, Vol. 11, pp 2655–2679, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 4.327)
[42] COUDOU, N.; MOENS, M.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; BRICTEUX, L.; CHATELAIN, P.: Effects of the fidelity level of numerical simulations on the wake meandering phenomenon. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, July 2019, Vol. 1256, Paper 012010, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: -)
[41] TEMEL, O.; KARATEKIN, O.; GLOESENER, E.; MISCHNA, M.A.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Atmospheric transport of subsurface, sporadic, time-varying methane releases on Mars. Icarus, June 2019, Vol. 325, pp 39-54, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.513)
[40] PORCHETTA, S.; TEMEL, O.; MUNOZ ESPARZA, D.; REUDER, J.; MONBALIU, J.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; VAN LIPZIG, N.: A new roughness parametrization accounting for wind-wave (mis)alignment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, May 2019, Vol. 19, pp 6681-6700, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 5.414)
[39] JARDON, Z.; HINDERDAEL, M.; REGERT, T.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; GUILLAUME, P.: On the nature of pressure wave propagation through ducts for structural health monitoring application. Applied Sciences, March 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 5, Paper 837, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: -)
[38] GARCIA-SANCHEZ, C.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; GORLE, C.: Predictive large eddy simulations for urban flows: challenges and opportunities. Building and Environment, July 2018, Vol. 139, pp 146-156,,1016/j.buildenv.2018,05,007 (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 4.971)
[37] COUDOU, N.; BUCKINGHAM, S.; BRICTEUX, L.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Experimental study on the wake meandering within a scale model wind farm subject to a wind-tunnel flow simulating an atmospheric boundary layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, April 2018, Vol. 167, Issue 1, pp 77-98, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.011)
[36] TEMEL, O.; BRICTEUX, L.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Coupled WRF-OpenFOAM study of wind flow over complex terrain. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, March 2018, Vol. 174, pp 152-169, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.739)
[35] KUCUKOSMAN, Y.C.; SCHRAM, C.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: A remote microphone technique for aeroacoustic measurements in large wind tunnels. Applied Acoustics, January 2018, Vol. 129, pp 346-353, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.440)
[34] TEMEL, O.; PORCHETTA, S.; BRICTEUX, L.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: RANS closures for non-neutral microscale CFD simulations sustained with inflow conditions acquired from mesoscale simulations. Applied Mathematical Modelling, January 2018, Vol. 53, pp 635-652, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.633)
[33] ALLEGRINI, J.; MAESSCHALCK, J.; ALESSI, G.; GLABEKE, G.; CHRISTOPHE, J.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Porous and geometry-resolved CFD modelling of a lattice transmission tower validated by drag force and flow field measurements. Engineering Structures, 2018, Vol. 168, pp 462-472, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.548)
[32] GONZÁLEZ-RUIZ, S. & VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Sizing of sand and ash particles using their speckle pattern: influence of particle opacity. Experiments in Fluids, August 2017, Vol. 58, Issue 8, Paper 100, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.335)
[31] COUDOU, N.; BUCKINGHAM, S.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Experimental study on the wind-turbine wake meandering inside a scale model wind farm placed in an atmospheric-boundary-layer wind tunnel. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017, Vol. 854, Paper 012008, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: -)
[30] STERGIANNIS, N.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; RUNACRES, M.C.: Full HAWT rotor CFD simulations using different RANS turbulence models compared with actuator disk and experimental measurements. Wind Energy Science, 2017, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: -)
[29] TEMEL, O. & VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Two-equation eddy viscosity models based on the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2017, Vol. 42, pp 1-16, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.633)
[28] MUNOZ-ESPARZA, D.; CANADILLAS, B.; NEUMANN, T.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Turbulent fluxes, stability and shear in the offshore environment: WRF mesoscale modelling and field observations at FINO1. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, December 2016, Vol. 4, Paper 063136, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 1.575)
[27] STERGIANNIS, N.; LACOR, C.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; DONNELLY, R.: CFD modelling approaches against single wind turbine wake measurements using RANS. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, October 2016, Vol. 753, Issue 3, Paper 032062, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: -)
[26] TEMEL, O. & VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Adaptation of mesoscale turbulence parameterisation scheme as RANS closures for ABL simulations. Journal of Turbulence, July 2016, Vol. 17, Issue 10, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 1.573)
[25] CONAN, B.; CHAUDHARI, A.; AUBRUN, S.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; HÄMÄLÄINEN, J.; HELLSTEN, A.: Experimental and Numerical Modelling of Flow over Complex Terrain: The Bolund Hill. Boundary Layer Meteorology, February 2016, Vol. 158, Issue 2, pp. 183-208, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.011)
[24] BARLAS, E.; BUCKINGHAM, S.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Roughness effects on wind-turbine wake dynamics in a boundary-layer wind tunnel. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, January 2016, Vol. 158, pp 27-42, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.011)
[23] SADAFI, M.H ; GONZÁLEZ RUIZ, S.; VETRANO, M.R.; JAHN, I.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; BUCHLIN, J.-M.; HOOMAN, K.: An investigation on spray cooling using saline water with experimental verification. Energy Conversion & Management Journal, January 2016, Vol. 108, pp 336-347, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 8.208)
[22] OZMEN, Y.; BAYDAR, E.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Wind flow over the low-rise building models with gabled roofs having different pitch angles. Building and Environment, January 2016, Vol. 95, pp 63-74, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 4.971)
[21] SADAFI, M. H.; GONZÁLEZ RUIZ, S.; VETRANO, M. R.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; JAHN, I.; BUCHLIN, J.-M.; HOOMAN, K.: On the influence of low-power laser source on the evaporation of single droplets: experimental and numerical approaches. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 2016, Vol. 9, Special Issue 1, pp 81-87, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 0.689)
[20] BLOCKEN, B.; STATHOPOULOS, T.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Pedestrian-level wind conditions around buildings: review of wind-tunnel and CFD techniques and their accuracy for wind comfort assessment. Building and Environment, 2016, Vol. 100, pp. 50-81, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 4.971)
[19] LEMAITRE, P.; OULDARBI, L.; SHEN, H.; PORCHERON, E.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; GREHAN, G.; BRUNEL, M.: A new algorithm to determine the 3D location of particles in a flow using cylindrical interferometric out-of-focus imaging. Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 2015, Vol. 22, Issue 1-3, pp 131-150, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: -)
[18] PORCHERON, E.; LEMAITRE, P.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; VETRANO, R.A.; BRUNEL, M.; GREHAN, G.; GUIRAUD, L.: Development of a spectrometer for airborne measurement of droplet sizes in clouds. Journal of the European Optical Society Rapid Publications, 2015, Vol. 10, Paper 15030, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 1.239)
[17] BRUNEL, M.; GONZALEZ RUIZ, S.; JACQUOT, J.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: On the morphology of irregular rough particles from the analysis of speckle-like interferometric out-of-focus images. Optics Communications, 2015, Vol. 338, pp 193-198, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.125)
[16] VETRANO, M.R.; GONZALEZ RUIZ, S.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Single and multiple droplet sizing by backscattering glory in the micrometric range Optics Communications, 2015, Vol. 341, pp 271-275 (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.125)
[15] MUNOZ-ESPARZA, D.; KOSOVIC, B.; MIROCHA, J.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Bridging the transition from mesoscale to microscale turbulence in numerical weather prediction models. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, December 2014, Vol. 153, Issue 3, pp 409-440, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.011)
[14] GARCIA CARRASCAL, P.; GONZALEZ RUIZ, S.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Irregular particle sizing using speckle pattern for continuous wave laser applications. Experiments in Fluids, November 2014, Vol. 55, Issue 11, paper 1851, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.335)
[13] GONZÁLEZ-RUIZ, S.; VETRANO, M.R.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Feasibility of using glory and speckle patterns for sizing spherical and irregular particles. Applied Optics, July 2014, Vol. 53, Issue 21, pp 4722-4728, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 1.961)
[12] MUNOZ-ESPARZA, D.; KOSOVIC, B.; GARCIA-SANCHEZ, C.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Nesting turbulence in an offshore convective boundary layer using large-eddy simulations. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, June 2014, Vol. 151, Issue 3, pp 453-478, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.011)
[11] CARBAJO FUERTES, F.; CECCHI, E.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; SCHRAM, C.: An inexpensive and versatile technique for wide frequency range surface pressure measurements: an application for the study of turbulent buffeting of a square cylinder. Experiments in Fluids, January 2014, Vol. 55, Issue 1, Paper 1627, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.335)
[10] BAYON-BARRACHINA, A.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; MARTINEZ-ALZAMORA, F.; AMPARO LOPEZ-JIMENEZ, P. Using downscaled NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data for wind resource mapping International. Journal of Energy and Environment, 2014, Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp 305-316 (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: -)
[9] RODRIGO, J.S.; BUCHLIN, J.-M.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; LENAERTS, J.T.M. ; VAN DEN BROEKE, M.R.: Evaluation of the antarctic surface wind climate from ERA reanalyses and RACMO2/ANT simulations based on automatic weather stations. Climate Dynamics, Vol. 40, Issue 1, January 2013, Page 353-376, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 4.486)
[8] SANZ RODRIGO, J.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; BUCHLIN, J.-M.: Wind engineering in the integrated design of princess Elisabeth Antarctic base. Building and Environment, 2012, Vol. 52, pp 1-18, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 4.971)
[7] CONAN, B.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; AUBRUN, S.: Sand erosion technique applied to wind resource assessment. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2012, Vol. 104–106, 2012, p 322–329, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.739)
[6] PARENTE, A.; GORLÉ, C.; VAN BEECk, J.P.A.J.; BENOCCI, C.: A comprehensive modelling approach for the neutral atmospheric boundary layer: consistent inflow conditions, wall function and turbulence model. Boundary Layer Meteorology, 2011, Vol. 140, Issue 3, pp 411-428, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.011)
[5] PARENTE, A.; GORLÉ, C.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; BENOCCI, C.: Improved k-ε model and wall function formulation for the RANS simulation of ABL flows. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2011, Vol. 99, Issue 4, pp 267-278, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.739)
[4] BLOCKEN, B.; DEZSÖ-WEIDINGER, G.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; CARMELIET, J.: Comparison of calculation models for wind-driven rain deposition on building facades. Atmospheric Environment, May 2010, Vol. 44, Issue 4, pp 1714-1725, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 4.039)
[3] TOMASONI, F.; VAN PARYS, H.; TERRYN, H.; HUBIN, A.; DECONINCK, J.; BUCHLIN, J.-M.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.: Identification of bubble evolution mechanisms during AC electrograining. Electrochemistry Communications, January 2010, Vol. 12, Issue 1, pp 156-159, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 4.333)
[2] GORLÉ, C.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; RAMBAUD, P.: Dispersion in the wake of a rectangular building: validation of two reynolds-averaged navier–stokes modelling approaches. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 2010, Vol. 137, Issue 1, pp 115-133, (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.011)
[1] DE SOMER, F.M.J.J.; VETRANO, M.R.; VAN BEECK, J.P.A.J.; VAN NOOTEN, G.J.: Extracorporeal bubbles: a word of caution. Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery, 2010, Vol. 10, pp 995-1001, Impact Factor 2019-2020: 1.675)