• von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics

    Academic Programmes

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  • von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics

    Academic Programmes

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  • von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics

    Academic Programmes

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  • von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics

    Academic Programmes

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Short Training

The von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI) offers a hands-on training for a period of three up to six months to university students in engineering, physics or mathematics, involving active participation in a guided research project. In many cases, this programme can also be used to prepare a MS graduation thesis at the home university. 

 The short training programme is also opened to visiting PhD candidates.

This experience will provide practice in the use of top-level experimental test facilities, computational and laboratory techniques. Added benefits are the exposure to methodology of research and team work in an international, intercultural environment.

Training period

Training period: 3 up to 6 months (when linked to a university thesis). The period can start anytime except in September.

Who can apply?

  • Citizens of NATO countries
  • Citizens of EU member countries
  • Citizens of the following countries can apply if they are enrolled in a university in NATO or EU countries: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Chile, Colombia, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, New Zealand, Nigeria, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Vietnam

The candidate should be registered in an university in one of the EU countries, Türkiye or the United States of America.

A working knowledge of English is required.


A limited number of Fellowships are available for highly qualified students coming from the following countries : Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Luxemburg, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Türkiye, the Netherlands and the United States. 

To encourage the participation of students, some attractive "VKI director's fellowships" are available upon request for the most qualified applications.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Priority will be given to those supported by an Erasmus fellowship.  

Subjects for research projects in the departments

The broad subjects are given below for each of the departments.
The list of active topics with specific details is available here

List of Topics

How to apply

Consideration by VKI of your application will be contingent on letters of recommendation from two of your current professors or PhD thesis promoters.

To provide a valuable learning experience, the training period should have a duration of two or six months. It could start any time during the year, except in September.

There is no fee associated with this program. A limited number of fellowships are available to support highly qualified students who are unable to obtain sufficient funds from their own university or from one of the programs of the European Union.

The Institute is not able to provide lodging; however there exist possibilities for pensions and small apartments that can be rented by the month. A list will be provided by our International Student & Exchange Liaison Office to all accepted applicants.

