Frank Eulitz
Head of the Turbomachinery and Propulsion Department
von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics
Waterloosesteenweg 72
1640 Sint-Genesius-Rode
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MBA, ESMT European School of Management and Technology, Berlin (leadership award), 2009
Dr.-Ing., Ph.D. Mechanical Engrg., Ruhr University Bochum (Gert-Massenberg Award 2000), 1999
Dipl.-Ing., Aerospace Engineering, University of Stuttgart and University of Arizona, 1993
since November 2020: Professor and Head of Turbomachinery Department, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics
since February 2017: Member of the executive committee, Global Power and Propulsion Society, Zurich
2020: interim, SVP, Head of Engineering and R&D, MAN Energy Solutions
2018 - February 2020: VP Technology & Innovation, Head of Innovation Mgt., Siemens Gas and Power
2015 - 2018: VP Technology & Innovation, Head of Technology, Siemens AG, Power and Gas
2012 - 2015: Director, Head of Gas Turbine Technology, Siemens AG, Power and Gas, Gas Turbines Business Unit
2009 - 2012: Project Director, Business Process Reengineering, Siemens, Energy Sector
2001 - 2009: Head of H-Class Compressor Development & Gas Turbine Validation, Siemens AG, Power Generation, Products
1998 - 2001: Head of Research Group, Numerical Simulation, Institute of Propulsion Technology, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
1993 - 1998: Research Engineer, Numerical Simulation, Institute of Propulsion Technology, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Extensive leadership experience, managing product and technology development and driving business innovation in international setups
Main research and development projects
(2017-2019) Decarbonized and distributed energy systems
(2017-2019) Turbomachinery development trends for decarbonization
(2017-2019) Probalistic analytics and robust design
(2014-2017) Development of technologies for Siemens Power and Gas product portfolio
(2012-2015) Development of technologies for Siemens new HL-class heavy duty gas turbine
(2009-2012) Business process reengineering of supply chain, product data and life cycle management, as well as finance and controlling for gas turbine, steam turbine and generator business segments
(2008-2009) Change management in major business process reengineering transformations
(2005-2008) Engineering validation of the new Siemens H-class heavy-duty gas turbine
(2001-2008) Development of a new compressor platform for the H-class heavy duty gasturbine family
(2001-2006) Numerical investigation and design implementation of Turbine rotor clocking for heavy duty gas turbines
(2001-2006) Flutter and forced response analysis and design correlations for turbomachinery component design
(1999-2004) Studies on the effects of casing treatment on compressor performance
(1997-2001) Numerical modeling and simulation of boundary-layer transition in unsteady flows of low pressure turbines
(1995-1999) Numerical Investigation of turbine clocking effects in low pressure turbine configurations
(1993-2001) Numerical investigation of blade row interaction in turbomachinery
(1993-2001) Development of a time-accurate CFD solver for simulation of unsteady turbomachinery flow on parallel computers (TRACE)
(1991-1993) Direct Navier-Stokes Simulation of boundary layer transition and linear stability theories
Main interests of research
Future turbomachinery and propulsion systems
Hydrogen and other decarbonization pathways
Turbomachinery at off-design conditions: from experiment and LES to design correlations
Acceleration of turbomachinery design and validation cycles
Multi-disciplinary optimization
Probabilistic analytics and robust design
Boundary layer transition and turbulence effects
Instability phenomena
Organization of conference sessions, frequent speaker and panelist, 2001 to 2009 lecturer at the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics lecture series
Presentations and Panels (selection)
(2020), panel organizer and chair for panel 1: “Decarbonized Energy Systems” and panel 2:4 “Hydrogen Economy”, Global Power and Propulsion Society, GPPF Forum, Zurich, January 2020
(2019), “Turbomachinery Power for Decarbonization – Trends and Perspectives”, keynote, Global Power and Propulsion Society, Technical Conference, Beijing, September 2019.
(2019), “Hydrogen Pathways for a Future Decarbonized Economy”, keynote, Future Energy Convention, Beijing, June 2019.
(2018), panel organizer and chair for panel 3: “Digitalization”, Global Power and Propulsion Society, GPPF Forum, Zurich, January 2018.
(2017), “Klimaschutz durch die größte und effizienteste Gasturbine der Welt”, IKU Innovationspreis für Klima und Umwelt, IKU Network Meeting (in German), Ulm, Germany, May 2017.
(2017), “Siemens Power and Gas Portfolio Today and Tomorrow: On Market Challenges, Technologies, and Industry 4.0”, keynote, International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation, Cairo, Egypt, April 2017.
(2017), “Power and Gas Technology and Innovation: University Imperatives for Power and Gas”, Siemens India University Day, Bangalore, India, March 2017.
(2017), “Market and Technology Trends for the Energy Transformation”, Global Power and Propulsion Society, GPPF Forum, Zurich, January 2017.
(2015), “Key Academic Challenges for Base Technologies. Power and Gas Future Technology Trends”, presentation, University Liasion Management workshop , Feldafing, November 2015.
(2014), “Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines Perspectives on Active Control”, Active Flow Control Conference, Berlin, September 2014.
(2001), “On Current Modeling Issues in Turbomachinery CFD“, 6th ECCOMAS, Keynote Lecture Opening Session, Swansea, UK.
(2000), "Time Resolved Simulation of Unsteady Turbomachinery Flow on Parallel Computers", Parallel CFD'2000 Conference, Trondheim, Norway.
International Conferences
- Abens, S., Eulitz, F., Harzdorf, I., Jaenchen, M., Fischer, W., Rudolph, R., Garbett, P., Ratliff, P. (2009). Planning for Extensive Validation of the Siemens H-Class Gas Turbine SGT5-8000H at the Power Plant Irsching. In Proceedings of ASME Power Conference, Vol. 43505, pp. 435-443. doi:10.1115/POWER2009-81082.
- Eulitz, F., Kuesters, B., Mildner, F., Mittelbach, M., Peters, A., van den Toorn, B., Waltke, U., Rimmington, P., Wasdell, D. (2007). Design and Validation of a Compressor for a New Generation of Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines. In Proceedings of ASME Power Conference, Vol. 42738, pp. 653-663. doi:10.1115/POWER2007-22100.
- Montgomery, M., Tartibi, M., Eulitz, F., & Schmitt, S. (2005). Application of Unsteady Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity in Heavy-Duty Gas Turbines. In Proceedings of Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Vol. 47276, pp. 635-649. doi:10.1115/GT2005-68813.
- Nürnberger, D., Eulitz, F., Schmitt, S. (2001). Time Accurate Simulation of Turbomachinery Flow Using an Implicit Time Integration Scheme. In 39th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, USA, AIAA, Vol. 82, p. 2001, AIAA 2001-0082.
- Nürnberger, D., Eulitz, F., Schmitt, S., Zachcial, A. (2001). Recent Progress in the Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Viscous Multistage Turbomachinery Flow. In Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines, ISABE-2001-1081.
- Schmitt, S., Eulitz, F., Nürnberger, D., Carstens, V., Belz, J. (2001). Simulation of Propfan Forced Response Using a Direct Fluid-Structure Coupling Method. In Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, pp. 1023-1033.
- Schmitt, S., Eulitz, F., Wallscheid, L., Arnone, A., Marconcini, M. (2001). Evaluation of Unsteady CFD Methods by Their Application to a Transonic Propfan Stage. In Proceedings of Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Vol. 78507, p. V001T03A014. doi:10.1115/2001-GT-0310.
- Eulitz, F. (2000). Modeling and Simulation of Transition Phenomena in Unsteady Turbomachinery Flow. In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines, Vol. 9, pp. 332-337.
- Eulitz, F., Nürnberger, D., Schmitt, S. (2000). Numerical Modeling of Unsteady Turbomachinery Flow. In Proceedings of 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS, Barcelona.
- Eulitz, F. (1999). A RANS Method for the Time-Accurate Simulation of Wake-Induced Boundary-Layer Transition in Turbine Flows. In Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Air Beathing Engines, ISABE-99-7275.
- Nuernberger, D., Eulitz, F., Schmitt, S. (1999). Effiziente Berechnung der instationären Strömung in Turbomaschinen mittels impliziter Zeitintegration. Tagungsband des Deutschen Luft-und Raumfahrtkongresses.
- Schmitt, S., Eulitz, F., Nürnberger, D., Carstens, V. (1999). Erweiterung eines parallelen und zeitgenauen Navier-Stokes-Verfahrens auf aeroelastische Anwendungen. Tagungsband des Deutschen Luft-und Raumfahrtkongresses
- Yamamoto, K., Eulitz, F., Nuernberger, D., Schmitt, S. (1999). Tip-Clearance Flow and Shock-Wave Interaction in the Rotor 37 Transonic Compressor Rotor (in Japanese). Special Publication of National Aerospace Laboratory.
- Vogel, D. T., Eulitz, F., Fritsch, G., Henne, J., Carstens, V. (1998). Entwurfs-und Berechnungsverfahren für Triebwerkskomponenten aus der Kooperation MTU München und DLR. Tagungsband des Deutschen Luft-und Raumfahrtkongresses.
- Eulitz, F., Engel, K., Nürnberger, D., Schmidt, S., Yamamoto, K. (1998). On Recent Advances of a Massively-Parallel Time-Accurate Navier-Stokes Solver for Unsteady Turbomachinery Flow. In Proceedings of 2nd European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS ECFD 1998, Athens.
- Eulitz, F., Engel, K. (1998). Numerical Investigation of Wake Interaction in a Low Pressure Turbine. In Proceedings of the ASME 1998 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Vol. 1: Turbomachinery, Vol. 78620, p. V001T01A134. doi: 10.1115/98-GT-563.
- Wallscheid, L., Eulitz, F., Heinecke, R. (1998). Investigation of Unsteady Flow Phenomena in a Counterrotating Ducted Propfan. In Proceedings of Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Vol. 78620, p. V001T01A066. doi: 10.1115/98-GT-251.
- Gebing, H., Eulitz, F., Engel, K. (1997). Numerical analysis of the Unsteady Flow Fields in a Multistage Turbine. In Proceedings of Fifteenth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics (held in 1996), pp. 370-375. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Wallscheid, L., Eulitz, F. (1997). Investigation of Rotor/Rotor Interaction. In Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines, IS126/GE6.
Eulitz, F., Engel, K., Gebing, H. (1996). Numerical Investigation of the Clocking Effects in a Multistage Turbine. In Proceedings of Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air, Vol. 78767, p. V005T14A008. doi: 10.1115/96-GT-026. - Engel, K., Eulitz, F. (1996). Numerical lnvestigation of the Unsteady Flow through Turbomachinery Components on Parallel Computers. In Proceedings of the 14th NAL Symposium on Aircraft Computational Aerodynamics.
- Eulitz, F., Engel, K., Gebing, H. (1996). Application of a One-equation Eddy-viscosity Model to Unsteady Turbomachinery Flow, In Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Experiments 3 - Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements Heraklion-Crete, Greece, 27-29 May, 1996 , pp. 741-751, Rodi, W. and Bergeles, G. eds., Elsevier Science B.V.
- Eulitz, F., Engel, K., Pokorny, S. (1996). Numerical Investigation of Inviscid and Viscous Interaction in a Transonic Compressor. In Proceedings of AGARD Conference, pp. 38-38.
- Gebing, H., Engel, K., Eulitz, F. (1996). Analysis of Complex Unsteady Flow Fields in Turbomachinery Aerodynamics. In Proceedings of European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS, Paris, pp. 492-498.
- Engel, K., Eulitz, F., Gebing, H. (1995). Numerical Investigation of the Clocking Effects in a Multistage Turbine. In Proceedings of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Aeropropulsion: Presented at the 1995 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, pp. 63-75.
- Engel, K., Eulitz, F., Faden, M., Pokorny, S. (1995). Validation of TVD Schemes for Unsteady Turbomachinery Flow. In Proceedings of Fourteenth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics (held in 1994), pp. 454-460. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Engel, K., Eulitz, F., Faden, M., Pokorny, S. (1995). Numerical Simulation of the Unsteady Turbomachinery Flow on a MIMD Computer. In Computational Fluid Dynamics on Parallel Systems: Proceedings of a CNRS-DFG Symposium (held in 1993), pp. 66-75. Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, Wiesbaden.
- Engel, K., Eulitz, F., Faden, M., Pokorny, S. (1994). Numerical Investigation of the Shock Induced Interaction in a Transonic Compressor Stage. ASME Symposium, 6-11 November, Chicago, USA.
Published reports
- Eulitz, F. (2000). Numerische Simulation und Modellierung der instationären Strömung in Turbomaschinen (Numerical Simulation and Modeling of the Unsteady Flow in Turbomachinery), DLR research report in german, DLR Forschungsbericht 2000-05, ISSN 1434-8454.
- Engel, K., Eulitz, F., Pokorny, S., Faden, M. (1996). 3-D Navier-Stokes Solver for the Simulation of the Unsteady Turbomachinery Flow on a Massively Parallel Hardware Architecture. In Flow Simulation with High-Performance Computers II, pp. 117-133. Vieweg+ Teubner Verlag.
- Eulitz, F. (2001). Numerical Simulation and Modeling of Unsteady Turbomachinery Flows. Recent Developments in Numerical Methods for Turbomachinery Flows, 2002. VKI LS 2002-2001.
- Schmitt, S., Eulitz, F., Nuernberger, D., Wallscheid, L. (2000). DLR's Propfan CRISP Test Case Computations. In Proceedings of ERCOFTAC-APPACET Seminar and Workshop on Turbomachinery Flow Prediction VIII, March, pp. 19-23.
- Eulitz, F. (2000). Numerische Simulation und Modellierung der instationären Strömung in Turbomaschinen (Numerical Simulation and Modeling of the Unsteady Flow in Turbomachinery), Doctoral Dissertation in German. Ruhr University Bochum
- Eulitz, F. (2009). Zen and the Art of Change Management: A Monitoring Framework for Business Transformations. MBA thesis work, ESMT European School of Management and Technology, Berlin