- Postdoc, Stanford University, USA, 2006-2009
- Postdoc, Université Paris-Saclay (Ecole Centrale Paris), France, 2004-2006
- PhD in Applied Sciences, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 2004
- Research Master in Fluid Dynamics, von Karman Institute, Belgium 1999
- Master in Physical Engineering, Université de Liège, Belgium, 1998
Since 2018 Professor, Aeronautics & Aerospace Department, von Karman Institute
Since 2011 Guest Professor, Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Liège
2016 – 2017 Visiting Associate Professor, Laboratory for Plasma Physics & Center for Applied Mathematics, Ecole Polytechnique
2013 – 2015 Professor, University Paris-Saclay (Ecole Centrale Paris), France
2013 – 2018 Associate Professor, von Karman Institute
2010 Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Engineering, Stanford University
2009 – 2012 Assistant Professor, von Karman Institute
2006 – 2009 Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University & NASA Ames Research Center
2004 – 2006 Postdoctoral Researcher, EM2C Laboratory, CNRS & University Paris-Saclay (Ecole Centrale Paris)
1999 – 2004 Doctoral Researcher, Aeronautics & Aerospace Dept., von Karman Institute
Awards and Memberships
2018 – 2019: Jean d’Alembert Chair, University Paris-Saclay, Ecole Polytechnique, France
2014: Fields Institute fellowship, Fields Institute
2012 & 2013: J.T. Oden Faculty fellowship, Oden Institute for Computational Engineering & Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin
2011 & 2019: David Weaver best student paper in Thermophysics (Advisor), AIAA
2011: Fundamentals on Aerothermodynamics award, European Space Agency
2010: Visiting Assistant Professor research fellowship, Center for Turbulence Research
2010: AFOSR Window on Science fellowship, European Office of Aerospace Research and Development
2010 – 2015: Starting Grant award, European Research Council
2006 – 2009: Center for Turbulence Research postdoctoral fellowship
2005 – 2006: CNRS postdoctoral fellowship, EM2C Laboratory
1999 – 2002: FRIA-FNRS PhD fellowship, Free University of Brussels
1998 – 1999: NATO fellowship, von Karman Institute
Since 2019: Board Member of the European Conference for AeroSpace Sciences (EUCASS)
Member of Specialist Teams of the Applied Vehicle Technology (AVT) Panel of the NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO)
Senior Member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Founding Member of the Nonequilibrium Discussion Group, AIAA
Service to Society
Organizer and chairman of scientific meetings (last 10 years)
2014-present: Director of the “Annual symposium on the VKI doctoral research,” von Karman Institute, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium.
11/2020: Chair of the Symposium on “Applications of uncertainty in aerospace and engineering,” 2nd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification & Optimization (UQOP2), Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium (online event).
06/2019: Organizer of the Workshop on “Fluid models and numerical methods for plasma simulations,” University Paris-Saclay, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France.
04/2019: Director of the lecture series “Pyrolysis phenomena in porous media,” von Karman Institute, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium.
03/2019: Organizer of the “1st International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification & Optimization” (UQOP1), Sorbonne University, Paris, France.
10/2018: Director of the 3rd lecture series on “Uncertainty quantification in computational fluid dynamics,” STO-AVT-326, von Karman Institute, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium, and 10/2019: Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA.
07/2018: Chair of the Mini-Symposium on “Computational Methods for Kinetic Collisional Transport,” 2nd Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics (PANACM 2018), New York, USA.
06/2018: Chair of the mini-symposium on “Advances in computational models and applications for multiphysics high-enthalpy flows,” 7th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECCOMAS), Glasgow, United Kingdom.
09/2016: Director of the lecture series “Space debris reentry and mitigation,” STO-AVT-262, von Karman Institute, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium.
06/2016: Director of the lecture series “Electric propulsion systems: from recent research developments to industrial applications,” STO-AVT-263, von Karman Institute, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium.
04/2015: Chair of the mini-symposium on “Computational methods for kinetic collisional transport,” 1st Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics (PANACM 2015), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
06/2014: Director of the 2nd lecture series on “Uncertainty quantification in computational fluid dynamics,” STO-AVT-235, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA, and 09/2014: von Karman Institute, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium.
07/2012: Organizer of the working group on “Non-equilibrium gas kinetics and gas-surface interaction for aerothermodynamic applications,” NASA Ames Research Center.
04/2011: Director of the lecture series “Uncertainty quantification in computational fluid dynamics,” RTO-AVT-193, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA, 05/2011, Bruges, Belgium, 10/2011, von Karman Institute, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium.
01/2011: Director of the lecture series “Models and computational methods for rarefied flows,” RTO-AVT-194, von Karman Institute, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium.
07/2010: Host of the hypersonics group at the 2010 Summer Program of the Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA.
Commissions of thrust
09/2020: Reviewer of the PhD thesis “Aerothermodynamic analysis of the atmospheric reentry of a reusable vehicle from low Earth orbit” of Loïc Van Ghèle, University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France.
12/2019: Reviewer of the PhD thesis“Hypersonic modeling and testing of space debris during planetary entry” of Nathan Donaldson, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
06/2018: Reviewer of the HDR thesis “Contribution to the modeling and simulation of complex flows: application to atmospheric reentry and particle-fluid interactions” of Julien Mathiaud, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.
09/2017: Reviewer of the PhD thesis “Ab initio quantum-chemistry database for N2 (v, J) + N in a state-to-state implementation of the DSMC method” of Erik Torres, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany.
07/2017: Reviewer of the PhD thesis “An Open-Source CFD Solver for Planetary Entry” of Vincent Casseau, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
05/2017: Reviewer of the PhD thesis “Modeling of silane plasma discharges including nanoparticle dynamics for photovoltaic applications” of Jean-Maxime Orlac’h, Université Paris Saclay, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France.
12/2014: Reviewer of the PhD thesis “Optimization, analysis and comparison of deterministic numerical methods for rarefied gas dynamics” of Nicolas Hérouard, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.
06/2014: Reviewer of the PhD thesis “Contribution to modeling of atmospheric entry of space debris” of Ysolde Prévereaud, University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France.
09/2013: Reviewer of the PhD thesis “Collisional-radiative models applied to Earth and Mars atmospheric entry cases” of Julien Annaloro, University of Rouen, Mont-Saint-Aignan, France.
Jury member of PhD thesis (not as promotor) and HDR thesis committee
- 09/2020: PhD thesis “Aerothermodynamic analysis of the atmospheric reentry of a reusable vehicle from low Earth orbit” of Loïc Van Ghèle, University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France.
- 04/2020: PhD thesis “Numerical investigation of hypersonic boundary-layer stability and transition in the presence of ablation phenomena” of Fernando Miró Miró, Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium.
- 12/2019: PhD thesis“Hypersonic modeling and testing of space debris during planetary entry” of Nathan Donaldson, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
- 09/2019: PhD thesis “Ground risk estimation for the reentry of space objects” of François Sanson, University Paris-Saclay, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France.
- 04/2019: PhD thesis“Modeling and numerical simulation of Hall effect thrusters” of Valentin Joncquières, University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France.
- 06/2018: HDR thesis “Contribution to the modeling and simulation of complex flows: application to atmospheric reentry and particle-fluid interactions” of Julien Mathiaud, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.
- 11/2017: PhD thesis “Numerical approximation and modeling of liquid ablation” of Simon Peluchon, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.
- 09/2017: PhD thesis “Study of the flowfield through the wall of a Diesel particulate filter using Lattice-Boltzmann Methods” of José Pedro García Galache, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
- 07/2017: PhD thesis “An Open-Source CFD Solver for Planetary Entry” of Vincent Casseau, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
- 05/2017: PhD thesis “Modeling of silane plasma discharges including nanoparticle dynamics for photovoltaic applications” of Jean-Maxime Orlac’h, University Paris-Saclay, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France.
- 02/2016: PhD thesis “Aerothermodynamics of pre-flight and in-flight testing methodologies for atmospheric entry probes” of Isil Sakraker, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium.
- 11/2015: PhD thesis “A discrete velocity method for the Boltzmann equation with internal energy and stochastic variance reduction” of Peter Clarke, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA.
- 04/2015: PhD thesis “Satellite orbits in the atmosphere: uncertainty quantification, propagation and optimal control” of Lamberto Dell’Elce, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium.
- 12/2014: PhD thesis “Optimization, analysis and comparison of deterministic numerical methods for rarefied gas dynamics”of Nicolas Hérouard, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.
- 09/2014: HDR thesis “Mesoscopic and macroscopic: modeling and numerical simulations” of Benjamin Graille, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, France.
- 06/2014: PhD thesis “Contribution to modeling of atmospheric entry of space debris” of Ysolde Prévereaud, University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France.
- 12/2013: PhD thesis “Collisional-radiative and macroscopic models for the thermochemical relaxation of non-equilibrium hypersonic flows” of Aurélien Guy, Ecole Centrale Paris, Châtenay-Malabry, France.
- 09/2013: PhD thesis “Collisional-radiative models applied to Earth and Mars atmospheric entry cases” of Julien Annaloro, University of Rouen, Mont-Saint-Aignan, France.
Formal Courses (last ten years)
09/2020-present: Professor, “Case Study in Aerospace,” course at the von Karman Institute, team teaching with faculty (2 ECTS, research master students).
09/2020-present: Professor, “Seminars in Aerospace,” course at the von Karman Institute, team teaching with faculty (1 ECTS, research master students).
09/2020-present: Professor, “Physics of Compressible Flows,” course at the von Karman Institute, team teaching with Prof. Chazot (2 ECTS, research master students).
09/2020-present: Professor, “Physico-chemical models for atmospheric entry flow,” course at the von Karman Institute (2 ECTS, research master students).
09/2020-present: Professor, “Fundamentals of fluid mechanics,” course at the von Karman Institute, team teaching with faculty (2.5 ECTS, research master students).
10/2014-present: Guest professor, “Aerothermodynamics of high-speed flows,” course at the University of Liège, team teaching with Prof. Dimitriadis (5 ECTS, master students).
09/2016-06/2020: Associate professor / Professor, “Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics part 1,” course at the von Karman Institute (1.25 ECTS, research master students).
09/2014-06/2020: Associate professor / Professor, “Inviscid aerodynamics in aeronautics - compressible inviscid flows,” course at the von Karman Institute (2 ECTS, research master students).
09/2013-06/2020: Associate professor / Professor, “Physico-chemical models for atmospheric entry flow,” course at the von Karman Institute (3 ECTS Theory + 1 ECTS Lab, research master students).
09/2011-08/2014: Guest professor, “Introduction to plasma physics and reentry of space vehicles,” course at the University of Liège (5 ECTS, master students).
09/2010-08/2013: Assistant / Associate professor, “Physical gas dynamics,” course at the von Karman Institute (4 ECTS, research master students).
04/2010-06/2010: Visiting assistant professor, “Hypersonic Flow,” course at Stanford University, team teaching with Prof. MacCormack (graduate students).
Invited Lecturers (last ten years)
Analysis of meteoroid ablation based on plasma wind-tunnel experiments, surface characterization, and numerical simulations, Fluid seminar, Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Department, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA, 02/2019.
Development of physico-chemical models for reacting and plasma flows enabling high-fidelity CFD, 31st Seminar on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Henri Poincaré Institute, Paris, France, 01/2019.
Multi-scale Chapman-Enskog asymptotic solution to the Boltzmann equation for multicomponent plasmas, Part I: Translational energy, Part II: Internal energy and chemical reactions, 9th Summer School on Methods and Models of Kinetic Theory, Porto Ercole, Grosseto, Italy, 06/2018.
Space debris mitigation, research challenges for aerothermodynamics, 6th Space Dinner, Planetarium of the Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium, 03/2018.
UQ challenges in high-enthalpy flow ground testing, UTOPIAE Opening Training School, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 11/2017.
Simulation of atmospheric entries of meteors in the continuum and rarefied regimes, II. Investigation of the meteor phenomenon based on plasmatron wind-tunnel experiments and ground observations, International School of Quantum Electronics, 61st course: Hypersonic Meteoroid Entry Physics, Erice, Italy, 10/2017.
Development of a Lagrangian reactor for detailed chemistry in rarefied flows, Workshop on Moment Methods in Kinetic Theory III, Peking University, Beijing, China, 09/2017.
Atmospheric entry of meteors, 30th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Victoria, Canada, 07/2016.
Developing aerospace modeling tools for tomorrow's space journeys, Aerothermo-dynamics and Fluid Mechanics seminar, Aerospace Engineering Department, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA, 11/2015. Plasma Physics Laboratory seminar, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, 11/2015. Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Seminar, University of Strathclyde, 11/2016, Glasgow, Scotland, Laboratory for Chemical Technology (LCT) seminar, Department of Materials, Textiles and Chemical Engineering, Ghent University, 04/2018.
Atmospheric entry plasma models physically consistent from kinetic- to hydrodynamic scale, Kinetic Models and Methods for Rarefied Gas Dynamics Workshop, Bordeaux, France, 10/ 2015. ONERA seminar, Palaiseau, France, 10/2015. International School for Students and Young Scientists, Non-Equilibrium and High-Temperature Gas Flows, ITAM, Novosibirsk, Russia, 11/2015.
Cooled Pitot probe in air plasma jet: What do we measure? I3MS Seminar Series, AICES Graduate School, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany, 07/2015.
The Kolesnikov effect in magnetized plasma flows, 1st Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics (PANACM 2015), Computational Methods for Kinetic Collisional Transport, Buenos Aires, Argentina 04/2015.
Plasma models physically consistent from kinetic scale to hydrodynamic scale, Workshop on Moment Methods in Kinetic Theory II, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, 10/2014.
Thermodynamic and transport properties of air mixtures with ablation, Radiation and gas-surface interaction phenomena in high-speed reentry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA, 04/2014.
Destination Mars, exploring the physico-chemistry of hypersonic flows, Cafés Sciences de l'Ecole Doctorale de Centrale Paris, Ecole Centrale Paris, Châtenay-Malabry, France, 11/2013. Research seminar, ONERA Toulouse Center, Toulouse, France 06/2014.
Simulation of the material response of ablators in atmospheric entry flows, from model development to validation in high enthalpy facilities, Second ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference, Bordeaux, France, 9/2013. Research seminar, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, 12/2014.
Multiscale asymptotic solutions to the Boltzmann equation for aerospace applications, Issues in Solving the Boltzmann Equation for Aerospace Applications, ICERM Topical Workshop, Providence, Rhode-Island, USA, 6/2013. Seminars in the Aeronautics and Aerospace Department, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium, 06/2013. Thermo/Fluids Research Seminar Series, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, USA, 07/2014.
Multiphysics models and simulations for reacting and plasma flows applied to the space exploration program, Department of Physics seminar, French Atomic Energy Commission, Arpajon, France, 04/2013.
Multiphysics models and simulations for reacting and plasma flows, Atmospheric Reentry Physics Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, California, USA, 02/2013.
Rebuilding free stream conditions for atmospheric entries, Aerothermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics seminar, Aerospace Engineering Department, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, 01/2013.
Multicomponent transport algorithms for plasmadynamics models, ICES seminar Numerical Analysis series, Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, 01/2013.
Ionization phenomena in hypersonic shock layer, International School of Quantum Electronics, 53rd course: Molecular physics and plasmas in hypersonics II, Erice, Italy, 09/2012.
Cooled Pitot probe in inductive air plasma jet: What do we measure? Fluids Seminar, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA, 01/2012. Seminar on Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Fluid Dynamics and Technical Acoustics, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 05/2012.
Kinetic theory derivation of nonequilibrium hydrodynamic models for atmospheric entry plasmas, Math/ICES Center of Numerical Analysis Seminars, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA, 01/2012.
Review of the VKI research on nonequilibrium phenomena in hypersonics, Major Efforts in Nonequilibrium Flows session, 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 01/2012.
Sound scaling and perturbation method for the kinetic theory of dilute gases with internal degrees of freedom, ESA Working Group on Kinetic Theory, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, 01/2011.
Rovibrational internal energy excitation and dissociation of molecular nitrogen in hypersonic flows, Prof. Capitelli's symposium on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Bari, Italy, 01/2011.
Multiphysics models and simulations for reacting and plasma flows applied to the space exploration program, Research seminar, Laboratory for Plasma Physics, Royal Military Academy, Brussels, Belgium, 04/2010. Laboratory, Ecole Centrale Paris, Châtenay-Malabry, France. 09/2010, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, USA, 09/2010. Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, 09/2010. Astrium Space Transportation, Saint Médard en Jalles, France 11/2010. University of Bari, Bari, Italy, 12/2010. University of Liège, Liège, Belgium, 01/2011.
Hypersonics: overview, 13th Biennial Summer Program of the Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, 07/2010.
Supervisor of research master thesis
- Koen Devesse (co-supervised with Prof. May), “Implementing a multi-species flow model in a hybridized discontinuous Galerkin framework,” 2019-2020.
- Giuseppe Gangemi, “Development of a fluid solver for air plasma sheath,” 2019-2020.
- Nikolaos Gartaganis, “High performance computing simulations of space debris in rarefied atmosphere,” 2019-2020.
- Aysu Özden (co-supervised with Prof. May), “Development of a robust conjugate heat transfer solver for high speed propulsion,” 2019-2020.
- Pietro Parodi, “Development of a hybrid PIC-DSMC solver for particle flow generators,” 2019-2020.
- Michele Capriati, “Modelling of thermal nonequilibrium in gas-surface interaction phenomena for ablative materials,” 2018-2019.
- Pedro Jorge, “Development of oxidation models for space debris demise,” 2018-2019.
- Diana Luís (co-supervised with Prof. Chazot), “Uncertainty quantification methods for the characterization of thermal protection systems,” 2018-2019.
- Salvatore Mignano, “Investigation of flow and electromagnetic field coupling in an inductively coupled plasma torch for supersonic nozzle,” 2018-2019.
- Ali Can Ispir, “Development of a finite rate chemistry combustion flow solver for hydrocarbon detonation,” 2017-2018.
- Athanasios Margaritis, “Development and validation of a computational model for non-equilibrium inductively coupled plasma flow,” 2017-2018.
- David Henneaux, “Development of an immersed method for melting of space debris,” 2017-2018.
- Jon Martínez, “Development of a unified computational method for a cork-phenolic material applied to Qarman's heat shield,” 2017-2018.
- Stefano Boccelli, “Simulations of electron concentration in the wake of meteors and application to radio observations,” 2016-2017.
- Francisco Torres Herrador, “Experimental characterization and simulation of pyrolysis phenomenon: from carbon composite ablators to Pacific Islands plant biomass,” 2016-2017.
- Willca Villafana, “Development of a fluid solver for electric propulsion based on kinetic theory,” 2016-2017.
- Joffrey Coheur, “Development of a unified model for flow-material interaction applied to porous ablators,” 2015-2016.
- Luiza Zavalan, “Investigation of meteor phenomenon based on Plasmatron experiments and simulations,” 2015-2016.
- Federico Bariselli, “Development of gas-surface interaction models for DSMC methods,” 2014-2015.
- James Braun, “Characterization of complex multi-physics flow in rotating detonation engines,” 2014-2015.
- Günther March, “Investigation of the atmospheric characteristics in the lower thermosphere at high and low latitudes by flight data and numerical models,” 2014-2015.
- Cem Tekin, “Development of a deterministic Boltzmann solver for ionized gases,” 2014-2015.
- Bruno Barros Dias, “Simulation of the ablation of meteors,” 2013-2014.
- Georgis Bellas-Chatzigeorgis, “Development of detailed chemistry models for boundary layer catalytic recombination,” 2013-2014.
- Vincent van der Haegen, “Development of an all-speed approximate Riemann solver applied to supersonic plasmas,” 2012-2013.
- Martin Kubicek: “Backward uncertainty propagation for atmospheric entry flows,” 2011-2012.
- Gilles Bailet, “Feasibility analysis and conceptual design of an atmospheric re-entry CubeSat demonstrator,” 2010-2011.
- José Pedro Garcia Galache, “Uncertainty quantification for characterization of high enthalpy facilities,” 2010-2011.
- Zsolt Varhegyi, “Trajectory analysis and preliminary mission design for QB50,” 2010-2011.
- Bernd Helber, “Experimental investigation of ablative materials in Plasmatron,” 2009-2010.
Promoter of PhD thesis
- Federico Bariselli, “Development of an ablation model for rarefied flows with application to meteoroid entry,” co-supervised with Prof. Hubin, Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, 06/2020.
- Bruno Dias Barros,“Thermal ablation and radiation modeling of the meteor phenomenon,” co-supervised with Prof. Chatelain, Catholique University of Louvain, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, 09/2020.
- Quentin Wargnier, “Mathematical modeling and simulation of non-equilibrium plasmas: application to magnetic reconnection in the Sun atmosphere,” co-supervised with Prof. Massot, Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, 11/2019.
- Gilles Bailet, “Radiation and ablation studies for in-flight validation,” co-supervised with Prof. Laux, University Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 01/2019.
- Georgios Bellas Chatzigeorgis, “Development of advanced gas surface interaction models for reusable materials,” co-supervised with Prof. Barbante, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, 02/2018.
- Andrea Cortesi, “Predictive numerical simulation for rebuilding freestream conditions in atmospheric entry flows,” co-supervised with Dr. Congedo, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, 02/2018.
- Aurélie Bellemans, “Simplified plasma models based on reduced kinetics,” co-supervised with Prof. Parente, Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, 12/2017.
- James B. Scoggins,“Development of numerical methods and study of coupled flow, radiation, and ablation phenomena for atmospheric entry,” co-supervised with Dr. Soufiani, University Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 09/2017.
- Erik Torres, “Ab initio quantum-chemistry database for N2 (v, J) + N in a state-to-state implementation of the DSMC method,” co-supervised with Prof. Fasoulas, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, 09/2017.
- Bernd Helber, “Material response characterization of low-density ablators in atmospheric entry plasmas,” co-supervised with Prof. Hubin, Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, 01/2016.
- Pierre Schrooyen, “Numerical simulation of aerothermal flows through ablative thermal protection systems,” co-supervised with Prof. Chatelain, Catholique University of Louvain, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, 11/2015.
- Alessandro Munafó, “Multiscale models and computational methods for aerothermodynamics,” co-supervised with Dr. Anne Bourdon, Ecole Centrale Paris, Châtenay-Malabry, France, 01/2014.
Supervisor of ongoing doctoral research
- Joffrey Coheur (co-supervised with Prof. Arnst, University of Liège, Belgium Prof. Chatelain, Catholique University of Louvain, Belgium), “Uncertainty quantification of aerothermal coupled flow-material simulations of low-density ablative thermal protection systems.”
- Stefano Boccelli (co-supervised with Prof. Frezzotti, Politecnico di Milano, Italy), “Development of moment methods for aerospace plasma flows with application to electric propulsion systems.”
- Francisco Torres (co-supervised with Prof. Blondeau, Free University of Brussels, Belgium, Prof. Van Geem, University of Ghent, Belgium, and Prof. Chazot, von Karman Institute), “Experimental characterization and numerical modeling of space debris degradation during atmospheric reentry.”
- Ana Isabel del Val Benítez (co-supervised with Dr. Pietro Congedo, INRIA, France, and Prof. Chazot, von Karman Institute), “Uncertainty treatment in aerothermodynamic experimental databases.”
- David Henneaux (co-supervised with Prof. Chatelain, Catholique University of Louvain, Belgium), “Development of a sharp interface method for melting of space debris.”
- Ali Can Ispir (co-supervised with Prof. Coussement, Free University of Brussels, Belgium), “Simulations of supersonic mixing of alternative fuels for air-breathing engines based on data mining.”
- Louis Reboul (co-supervised with Prof. Massot, Ecole Polytechnique, France), “Mathematical modeling and simulation of nonequilibrium plasmas for electric propulsion prediction.”
- Michele Capriati (co-supervised with Dr. Pietro Congedo, INRIA, France), “Robust and high-fidelity simulations of 3D unsteady hypersonic flows.”
- Pedro Jorge (co-supervised with Prof. Hubin, Free University of Brussels, Belgium), “Development of gas-surface interaction models from continuum to rarefied flow regimes.”
- Fabio Morgado (co-supervised with Prof. Fossati, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow), “Multi-disciplinary modelling of the aerothemodynamically-induced fragmentation of re-entering bodies.”
- Pietro Parodi (co-supervised with Prof. Lapenta, Catholique University of Leuven, Belgium), “Modeling and simulation of air plasma using particle methods with application to air-breathing electric propulsion.”
- Giuseppe Gangemi (co-supervised with Prof. Hillewaert, University of Liège, Belgium, and Dr. Alvarez Laguna, Ecole Polytechnique, France), “Development of a high order fluid solver for air plasma sheath.”
- Vincent Giangaspero (co-supervised with Prof. Poedts and Dr. Lani, Catholique University of Leuven, Belgium), “Modeling strategy for blackout analysis of re-entry phases in space exploration missions.”
Supervisor of the postdoctoral research
- Michael Kapper, “Numerical schemes for nonequilibrium multicomponent plasmas based on the regularized Grad equations.”
- Olaf Marxen, “Development of advanced hypersonics models for transition to turbulence.”
- Alessandro Turchi, “Development of predictive tools for the material response of ablative materials in hypersonics flows.”
- Laurent Soucasse, “Flow-radiation coupling for hypersonic entries using a Hybrid Statistical Narrow Band (HSNB) model.”
- Vincent Leroy, “Development of material response solver for multiscale modeling of pyrolysis.”
- Bernd Helber, “Analysis of chemical ablation of meteorite material based on plasma wind-tunnel experiments.”
- James B. Scoggins, “Efficient transport algorithms for magnetized plasmas.”
- Georgios Bellas Chatzigeorgis “Development of state-to-state gas surface interaction models.”
- Francesco Bonnelli (co-supervised with Prof. Pasquazio, Politechnic University of Bari, Italy), “Fluid dynamic models for simulating the hypersonic flow past vehicles at atmospheric entry (ongoing).”
- Julian Koellermeier (co-supervised with Prof. Samaey, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium), “FASTMoM - Fully Adaptive Simulation Tool for Moment Models (ongoing).”
- Federico Bariselli, “Study of detailed chemistry in rarefied flows for air breathing electric propulsion (ongoing).”
- Bruno Dias Barros, “Spectrographic response of break-up fragments to reentry environment (ongoing).”
Main Research Interest
- Hypersonics, atmospheric entry flows, thermal protection materials, space debris, meteor phenomenon, air-breathing electric propulsion.
- Kinetic theory, asymptotic fluid solutions, collisional-radiative mechanisms, gas-surface interaction, catalysis, ablation, pyrolysis, melting, evaporation, porous media, nonequilibrium plasmas, radiation, rarefied gas effects.
- Multiphysics computational methods, computational fluid dynamics, stochastic particle methods, deterministic Boltzmann solvers, uncertainty quantification methods, Bayesian inference, model validation.
Research Activities
Principal investigator of funded research on
- Thales Alenia Space France contract “Aerothermodynamic analysis for Daedalus mission” (2019-2020)
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research FA9550-18-1-0209 grant “PLASMUT: Nonequilibrium Gas-Surface Interactions at High Temperature, VKI Plasmatron facility and MUTATION++ Library” (2018-2021)
- Jean d'Alembert fellowship program Idex Paris-Saclay FLUPKE grant “Multi-component FLUid models for Plasmas flows based on Kinetic theory and applied to Electric propulsion” (2019-2020)
- European Space Agency General Support Technology Program contract RFQ/3-15054/17/NL/KML/fg, “ABLANTIS: Ablative TPS Numerical Test Cases – Mathematical Code Assessment & Improvement” (2018-2020)
- European Research Council Proof of Concept grant 713726 “MUTX: MUTATION++ library, technology transfer from atmospheric entry plasmas to biomass pyrolysis” (2016-2017)
- European Space Agency Technology Research Program contract AO/1-7987/14/NL/RA “ABLARADABLA: ABLAtion and RADiation in the presence of light ABLAtors” (2015-2018)
- Astrium Space Transportation contract “Radiative and Ablative Studies for In-Flight Validation on Reentry Platforms” (2013-2016)
- Astrium Space Transportation contract “Ablation testing in the VKI Plasmatron” (2012-2013)
- European Space Agency Technology Research Program contract AO /1-6938/11/NL/SFE, “UQ4AERO: Uncertainty Quantification for Aerospace Applications” (2012-2014)
- European Research Council Starting grant 259354 “AEROSPACEPHYS: Multiphysics models and simulations for reacting and plasma flows applied to the space exploration program” (2010-2015)
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research grant FA8655-10-1-3076 "Advanced physical models and numerical methods for high enthalpy and plasma flows applied to hypersonics” (2010)
Participation in research projects
- European Space Agency Technology Research Program contract ESA/AO/1-9534/18/NL/KML “Hypersonic Simulation tool based on Lattice Boltzmann Solver” (2019-2021)
- European Space Agency General Support Technology Program contract RFP/3-15902/19/NL/BJ/va, “Assessments to Prepare and De-Risk Technology Developments, RAM Electrical Propulsion for Low Altitude Satellites” (2019-2020)
- European H2020 Space-2019 Grant 870436 “AETHER: Air-breathing Electric THrustER” (2019-2022)
- European Space Agency General Support Technology Program contract RFQ/3-15054/17/NL/KML/fg, “ABLACCOD: Identification of ablation process in porous materials,” (2018-2020)
- H2020 Marie Sklodowska Curie European Training Networks grant 722734 “UTOPIAE: Uncertainty Treatment and OPtimisation In Aerospace Engineering” (2016-2020)
- Belgian Research Action Through Interdisciplinary Networks grant METRO “Meteor trajectories and origins” (2014-2018)
Journal articles
- F. Torres-Herrador, A. Turchi, K.M. Van Geem, J. Blondeau, Julien; T.E. Magin, Determination of heat capacity of carbon composites with application to carbon/phenolic ablators up to high temperatures, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, accepted for publication. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 4.499)
- S. Boccelli, F. Giroux, T.E. Magin, C.P.T Groth, and J.G. McDonald. A 14-moment maximum-entropy description of electrons in crossed electric and magnetic fields. Physics of Plasmas, 2020, accepted for publication. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 1.830)
- S. Ramjatan, A. Lani, S. Boccelli, B. Van Hove, O Karatekin, T. Magin, and J. Thoemel. Blackout analysis of mars entry missions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2020, 904, A26. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.354)
- J.B. Scoggins, V. Leroy, G. Bellas-Chatzigeorgis, B. Dias, and T.E. Magin. Mutation++: Multicomponent thermodynamic and transport properties for ionized gases in C++. SoftwareX, 2020, 12, 100575. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: -)
- F. Bariselli, S. Boccelli, B. Dias, A. Hubin, and T.E. Magin. A self-consistent method for the simulation of meteor trails with an application to radio observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2020, 641, A100. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 5.636)
- S. Boccelli, T. Charoy, A. Alvarez Laguna, P. Chabert, A. Bourdon, and T.E. Magin. Collisionless ion modeling in Hall thrusters: analytical axial velocity distribution function and heat flux closures. Physics of Plasmas, 2020, 27, 073506. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 1.830)
- A. Alvarez Laguna, T. Pichard, T. Magin, P. Chabert, A. Bourdon, and M. Massot. An asymptotic preserving well-balanced scheme for the isothermal fluid equations in low-temperature plasmas at low-pressure. Journal of Computational Physics, 2020, 419, 109634. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.985)
- B. Dias, A. Turchi, E.C. Stern, and T.E. Magin. A model for meteoroid ablation including melting and vaporization. Icarus, 2020, 345, 113710. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.513)
- Q. Wargnier, S. Faure, B. Graille, T. Magin, and M. Massot. Numerical treatment of the nonconservative product in a multiscale fluid model for plasmas in thermal nonequilibrium: application to solar physics. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2020, 42, 492-519. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 1.976)
- B. Dias, J.B. Scoggins, and T.E. Magin. Luminosity calculation of meteor entry based on detailed flow simulations in the continuum regime. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2020, 635, A184. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 5.636)
- F. Torres-Herrador, J. Coheur, F. Panerai, T.E. Magin, M. Arnst, N.N. Mansour, and J. Blondeau. Competitive kinetic model for the pyrolysis of the phenolic impregnated carbon ablator. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 100, 105784. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 4.499)
- E. Torres, R.L. Jaffe, D. Schwenke, and T.E. Magin. Coarse-grain cross sections for rovibrational excitation and dissociation of the N2-N system. Chemical Physics, 2020, 533, 110701. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 1.771)
- Q. Wargnier, A. Alvarez Laguna, J.B. Scoggins, N.N. Mansour, M. Massot, and T.E. Magin. Consistent transport properties in multicomponent two-temperature magnetized plasmas: application to the sun atmosphere. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2020, 635, A87. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 5.636)
- F. Bariselli, A. Frezzotti, A. Hubin, and T.E. Magin. Aerothermodynamic modelling of meteor entry flows. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2020, 492, 2308-2325. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 5.356)
- A. Alvarez-Laguna, T. Magin, M. Massot, A. Bourdon, and P. Chabert. Plasma-sheath transition in multi-fluid models with inertial terms under low pressure conditions: comparison with the classical and kinetic theory. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2020, 29, 025003. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.193)
- A.F. Cortesi, P.G. Constantine, T.E. Magin, and P.M. Congedo. Forward and backward uncertainty quantification with active subspaces: application to hypersonic flows around a cylinder. Journal of Computational Physics, 2020, 407, 109079. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.985)
- G. Bellas-Chatzigeorgis, P.F. Barbante, and T.E. Magin. Energy accommodation coefficient calculation methodology using state-to-state catalysis applied to hypersonic flows. AIAA Journal, 2020, 58, 278-290. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.108)
- A. Bellemans, J.B. Scoggins, R.L. Jaffe, and T.E. Magin. Transport properties of carbon-phenolic gas mixtures. Physics of Fluids, 2019, 31, 096102. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.514)
- B. Helber, B. Dias, F. Bariselli, L.F. Zavalan, L. Pittarello, S. Goderis, B. Soens, S.J. McKibbin, P. Claeys, and T.E. Magin. Analysis of meteoroid ablation based on plasma wind-tunnel experiments, surface characterization, and numerical simulations. Astrophysical Journal, 2019, 876, 120. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 5.745)
- F. Torres-Herrador, J.B.E. Meurisse, F. Panerai, J. Blondeau, J. Lachaud, B.K. Bessire, T.E. Magin, and N.N. Mansour. A high heating rate pyrolysis model for the phenolic impregnated carbon ablator (PICA) based on mass spectroscopy experiments. Journal of analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2019, 141, 104625. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.905)
- L. Pittarello, S. Goderis, B. Soens, S.J. McKibbin, G. Giuli, F. Bariselli, B. Dias, B. Helber, G.O. Lepore, F. Vanhaecke, C. Koeberl, T.E. Magin, and P. Claeys. Meteoroid atmospheric entry investigated with plasma flow experiments: petrography and geochemistry of the recovered material. Icarus, 2019, 331, 170-178. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.513)
- M. Fossati, A. Mogavero, J. Herrera-Montojo, J.B. Scoggins, and T. Magin. A kinetic BGK edge-based scheme including vibrational and electronic energy modes for high-Mach flows. Computers and Fluids, 2019, 185, 1-12. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.399)
- S. Boccelli, F. Bariselli, B. Dias, and T.E. Magin. Lagrangian diffusive reactor for detailed thermochemical computations of plasma flows. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2019, 28, 065002. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.193)
- G. Grossir, B. Dias, O. Chazot, and T.E. Magin. High temperature and thermal non-equilibrium effects on the determination of free-stream flow properties in hypersonic wind tunnels. Physics of Fluids, 2018, 30, 126102. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.514)
- E. Torres and T.E. Magin. Coupling of state-resolved rovibrational coarsegrain model for nitrogen to stochastic particle method for simulating internal energy excitation and dissociation. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018, 149, 174106. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.991)
- P. Schrooyen, A. Turchi, K. Hillewaert, P. Chatelain, and T.E. Magin. Two-way coupled simulations of stagnation-point ablation with transient material response. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2018, 134, 639-652. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.476)
- A. Bellemans, A. Parente, and T. Magin. Principal component analysis acceleration of rovibrational coarse-grain models for internal energy excitation and dissociation. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018, 148, 164107. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.991)
- F. Sanson, F. Panerai, T.E. Magin, and P.M. Congedo. Robust reconstruction of the catalytic properties of thermal protection materials from sparse high-enthalpy facility experimental data. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2018, 96, 482-492. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.444)
- B. Helber, A. Turchi, and T.E. Magin. Determination of active nitridation reaction efficiency of graphite in inductively coupled plasma flows. Carbon, 2017, 125, 582-594. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 8.821)
- A. Bellemans, T. Magin, A. Coussement, and A. Parente. Reduced-order kinetic plasma models using principal component analysis: model formulation and manifold sensitivity. Physical Review Fluids, 2017, 2, 073201. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.512)
- J.B. Scoggins, J. Rabinovitch, B. Barros-Fernandez, A. Martin, J. Lachaud, R.L. Jaffe, N. Mansour, G. Blanquart, and T. Magin. Thermodynamic properties of carbon-phenolic gas mixtures. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2017, 66, 177-192. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 4.499)
- A. Turchi, P.M. Congedo, and T.E. Magin. Thermochemical ablation modeling forward uncertainty analysis - Part II: Application to plasma wind-tunnel testing. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2017, 118, 510-517. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.476)
- A. Turchi, P.M. Congedo, and T.E. Magin. Thermochemical ablation modeling forward uncertainty analysis - Part I: Numerical methods and effect of model parameters. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2017, 118, 497-509. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.476)
- J. Lachaud, J.B. Scoggins, T.E. Magin, M.G. Meyer, and N.N. Mansour. A generic local thermal equilibrium model for porous reactive materials submitted to high temperatures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 108, 1406–1417. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 4.947)
- F. Sanson, N. Villedieu, F. Panerai, O. Chazot, P.M. Congedo, and T.E. Magin. Quantification of uncertainty on the catalytic property of reusable thermal protection materials from high enthalpy experiments. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2017, 82, 414-423. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.444)
- S. Ramjatan, T. Magin, T. Scholz, V. Van Der Haegen, and J. Thoemel. Blackout analysis of small cone-shaped reentry vehicles. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2017, 31, 269-282. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 1.307)
- J. Braun, B.H. Saracoglu, T.E. Magin, and G. Paniagua. One-dimensional analysis of the magnetohydrodynamic effect in rotating detonation combustors. AIAA Journal, 2016, 54, 3761-3767. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.108)
- B. Helber, A. Turchi, J.B. Scoggins, A. Hubin, and T.E. Magin. Experimental investigation of ablation and pyrolysis processes of carbon-phenolic ablators in atmospheric entry plasmas. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 100, 810–824. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 4.947)
- P. Schrooyen, K. Hillewaert, T.E. Magin, and P. Chatelain. Fully implicit discontinuous galerkin solver to study surface and volume ablation competition in atmospheric entry flows. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 103, 108–124. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 4.947)
- L. Soucasse, J.B. Scoggins, P. Rivière, T.E. Magin, and A. Soufiani. Flow radiation coupling for atmospheric entries using a hybrid statistical narrow band model. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2016, 180, 55–69. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.047)
- B. Helber, O. Chazot, A. Hubin, and T.E. Magin. Emission spectroscopic boundary layer investigation during ablative material testing in plasmatron. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2016, 112, e53742. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 1.163)
- J.B. Scoggins and T.E. Magin. Gibbs function continuation for linearly constrained multiphase equilibria. Combustion and Flame, 2015, 162, 4514-4522. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 4.570)
- J. Lachaud, T. Van Eekelen, J.B. Scoggins, T.E. Magin, and N.N. Mansour. Detailed chemical equilibrium model for porous ablative materials. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 90, 1034-1045. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 4.947)
- A. Bellemans, A. Munafò, T.E. Magin, G. Degrez, and A. Parente. Reduction of a collisional-radiative mechanism for argon plasma based on principal component analysis. Physics of Plasmas, 2015, 22, 062108. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 1.830)
- B. Helber, O. Chazot, A. Hubin, and T.E. Magin. Microstructure and gas-surface interaction studies of a low-density carbon-bonded carbon fiber composite in atmospheric entry plasmas. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2015, 72, 96-107. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 6.444)
- M. Panesi, A. Munafò, T.E. Magin, and R.L. Jaffe. Nonequilibrium shockheated nitrogen flows using a rovibrational state-to-state method. Physical Review E, 2014, 90, 013009. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.296)
- A. Munafò and T.E. Magin. Modeling of stagnation-line nonequilibrium flows by means of quantum based collisional models. Physics of Fluids, 2014, 26, 097102. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.514)
- B. Helber, C.O. Asma, Y. Babou, A. Hubin, O. Chazot, and T.E. Magin. Material response characterization of a low-density carbon composite ablator in high-enthalpy plasma flows. Journal Materials Science, 2014, 49, 4530–4543. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.553)
- A.M. Brandis, C.O. Laux, T. Magin, T.J. McIntyre, and R.G. Morgan. Comparison of Titan entry radiation shock-tube data with collisional-radiative models. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2014, 28, 32-38. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 1.307)
- J. Tryoen, P.M. Congedo, R. Abgrall, N. Villedieu, and T.E. Magin. Bayesian-based method with metamodels for rebuilding freestream conditions in atmospheric entry flows. AIAA Journal, 2014, 52, 2190-2197. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.108)
- A. Munafò, J.R. Haack, I.M. Gamba, and T.E. Magin. A spectral-Lagrangian Boltzmann solver for a multi-energy level gas. Journal of Computational Physics, 2014, 264, 152-156. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.985)
- O. Marxen, G. Iaccarino, and T.E. Magin. Direct numerical simulations of hypersonic boundary-layer transition with finite-rate chemistry. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2014, 755, 35-49. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.354)
- A. Munafò, M. Panesi, and T.E. Magin. Boltzmann rovibrational collisional coarse-grained model for internal energy excitation and dissociation in hypersonic flows. Physical Review E, 2014, 89, 023001. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.296)
- A. Bourdon, J. Annaloro, A. Bultel, M. Capitelli, G. Colonna, A. Guy, T.E. Magin, A. Munafò, M.-Y. Perrin, L. Pietanza, Reduction of state-to-state to macroscopic models for hypersonics. The Open Plasma Physics Journal, 2014, 7, 60-75. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: -)
- O. Marxen, T.E. Magin, E.S.G. Shaqfeh, and G. Iaccarino. A method for the direct numerical simulation of hypersonic boundary-layer instability with finite-rate chemistry. Journal of Computational Physics, 2013, 255, 572-589. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.985)
- M. Panesi, R.L. Jaffe, D.W. Schwenke, and T.E. Magin. Rovibrational internal energy transfer and dissociation of N2(1Σg+)−N(4Su) system in hypersonic flows. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2013, 138, 044312. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.991)
- A. Munafò, M. Panesi, R.L. Jaffe, G. Colonna, A. Bourdon, and T.E. Magin. QCT-based vibrational collisional models applied to nonequilibrium nozzle flows. European Physical Journal D, 2012, 66, 188. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 1.366)
- T.E. Magin, M. Panesi, A. Bourdon, R.L. Jaffe, and D.W. Schwenke. Coarse-grain model for internal energy excitation and dissociation of molecular nitrogen. Chemical Physics, 2012, 398, 90-95. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 1.771)
- O. Marxen, T. Magin, G. Iaccarino, and E.S.G. Shaqfeh. A high-order numerical method to study hypersonic boundary-layer instability including high-temperature gas effects. Physics of Fluids, 2011, 23, 084108. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.514)
- M. Panesi, T.E. Magin, A. Bourdon, A. Bultel, and O. Chazot. Electronic excitation of atoms and molecules for the Fire II flight experiment. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2011, 25, 361-373. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 1.307)
- W. Wang, H.C. Yee, B. Sjögreen, T. Magin, and C.-W. Shu. Construction of low dissipative high-order well-balanced filter schemes for nonequilibrium flows. Journal of Computational Physics, 2011, 230, 4316-4335. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 2.985)
- V. Giovangigli, B. Graille, T. Magin, and M. Massot. Multicomponent transport in weakly ionized mixtures. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2010, 19, 034002. (JCR Impact Factor 2019-2020: 3.193)
- B. Graille, T.E. Magin, and M. Massot. Kinetic theory of plasmas: translational energy. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2009, 05, 527-599.
- M. Panesi, T. Magin, A. Bourdon, A. Bultel, and O. Chazot. Fire II flight experiment analysis by means of a collisional-radiative model. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2009, 23, 236-248.
- B. Bottin, D. Vanden Abeele, Th.E. Magin, and P. Rini. Transport properties of collision-dominated dilute perfect gas mixtures at low pressures and high temperatures. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 2006, 42, 38-83.
- L. Caillault, L. Walpot, T.E. Magin, A. Bourdon, and C.O. Laux. Radiative heating predictions for Huygens entry. Journal of Geophysical Research E, 2006, 111, E09S90.
- O. Witasse, J.-P. Lebreton, M.K. Bird, R. Dutta-Roy, W.M. Folkner, R.A. Preston, S.W. Asmar, L.I. Gurvits, S.V. Pogrebenko, I.M. Avruch, R.M. Campbell, H.E. Bignall, M.A. Garrett, H.J. van Langevelde, S.M. Parsley, C. Reynolds, A. Szomoru, J.E. Reynolds, C.J. Phillips, R.J. Sault, A.K. Tzioumis, F. Ghigo, G. Langston, W. Brisken, J.D. Romney, A. Mujunen, J. Ritakari, S.J. Tingay, R.G. Dodson, C.G.M. van't Klooster, T. Blancquaert, A. Coustenis, E. Gendron, B. Sicardy, M. Hirtzig, D. Luz, A. Negrao, T. Kostiuk, T.A. Livengood, M. Hartung, I. de Pater, M. Adamkovics, R.D. Lorenz, H. Roe, E. Schaller, M. Brown, A.H. Bouchez, C.A. Trujillo, B.J. Buratti, L. Caillaut, T. Magin, A. Bourdon, and C. Laux. Overview of the coordinated ground-based observations of Titan during the Huygens mission. Journal of Geophysical Research E, 2006, 111, E07S01.
- T.E. Magin, L. Caillault, A. Bourdon, and C.O. Laux. Nonequilibrium radiative heat flux modeling for the Huygens entry probe. Journal of Geophysical Research E, 2006, 111, E07S12.
- T.E. Magin and G. Degrez. Transport algorithms for partially ionized and unmagnetized plasmas. Journal of Computational Physics, 2004, 198, 424-449.
- T.E. Magin and G. Degrez. Transport properties of partially ionized and unmagnetized plasmas. Physical Review E, 2004, 70, 046412.
- B. Bottin, M. Carbonaro, O. Chazot, G. Degrez, D. Vanden Abeele, P. Barbante, S. Paris, V. Van Der Haegen, Th. Magin, and M. Playez. A decade of aerothermal plasma research at the von Karman Institute. Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2004, 44, 472-477.
- P. Rini, A. Garcia, T. Magin, and G. Degrez. Numerical simulation of nonequilibrium stagnation-line CO2 flows with catalyzed surface reactions. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2004, 18, 114-121.
Editor of books (last ten years)
- Lachaud, J.-M. Buchlin, P. Planquart, T.E. Magin, Pyrolysis phenomena in porous media, von Karman Institute lecture series, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium, 2019.
- Iaccarino, C. Gorlé, T.E. Magin, Uncertainty quantification in computational fluid dynamics III, STO-AVT-326, von Karman Institute lecture series, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium, 2019.
- E. Magin, A. Turchi, J. Muylaert, Space debris reentry and mitigation, STO-AVT-262, von Karman Institute lecture series, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium, 2019.
- E. Magin, A. Bourdon, A. Aanesland, J.-L. Cambier, Electric propulsion systems: from recent research developments to industrial applications, STO-AVT-263, von Karman Institute lecture series, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium, 2016.
- Iaccarino, C. Gorlé, T.E. Magin, Uncertainty quantification in computational fluid dynamics II, STO-AVT-235, von Karman Institute lecture series, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium, 2014.
- Chazot, T.E. Magin, M. Panesi, Radiation and gas surface interaction phenomena in high-speed reentry, STO-AVT-218, von Karman Institute lecture series, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium, 2014
- E. Magin, M. Torrilhon, Models and computational methods for rarefied flows, RTO-AVT-194, von Karman Institute lecture series, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium, 2011.
- Iaccarino, T.E. Magin, Uncertainty quantification in computational fluid dynamics, RTO-AVT-193, von Karman Institute lecture series, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium, 2011.
Contribution to books (last ten years)
- A. del Val Benítez, O. Chazot, T.E. Magin, Uncertainty treatment applications: high-enthalpy flow ground testing, Optimization under uncertainty with applications to aerospace engineering, Springer, Berlin, 2020
- W. Huo, M. Panesi, T.E. Magin, Ionization phenomena behind shock waves, High temperature phenomena in shock waves, Springer, Berlin, 2012.
- B. Helber, F. Panerai, O. Chazot, T. Magin, The reusability limits of carbon/silicon carbide heat shield materials, Specialists meeting on catalytic gas surface interactions, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium, RTO-EN-AVT-199, 2012.
- N. Villedieu, F. Panerai, O. Chazot, T.E. Magin, Uncertainty quantification for gas-surface interaction in Plasmatron, Specialists meeting on catalytic gas surface interactions, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium, RTO-EN-AVT-199, 2012.
Course notes
- T.E. Magin, Physical Gas Dynamics, von Karman Institute course notes CN-213, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium
ERC Description
The European Research Council stimulates scientific excellence by supporting and encouraging the very best, truly creative scientists, scholars and engineers to be adventurous and take risks in their research. The scientists are encouraged to go beyond established frontiers of knowledge and the boundaries of disciplines. ERC grants are awarded through open competition to projects headed by starting and established researchers - the sole criterion for selection is scientific excellence. The aim here is to recognise the best ideas, and retain and confer status and visibility to the best brains in Europe, while also attracting talent from abroad.
The project ERC-2010-StG_259354 is entitled AEROSPACEPHYS—Multiphysics models and simulations for reacting and plasma flows applied to the space exploration program.
The proposed research aims at: "Integrating new advanced physico-chemical models and computational methods, based on a multidisciplinary approach developed together with physicists, chemists, and applied mathematicians, to create a top-notch multiphysics and multiscale numerical platform for simulations of planetary atmosphere entries, crucial to the new challenges of the manned space exploration program. Experimental data will also be used for validation, following state-of-the-art uncertainty quantification methods."
Space exploration is one of the boldest and most exciting endeavors that humanity has undertaken and holds enormous promise for the future. After the successful manned missions to the Moon and many probe entries into the atmosphere of outer planets, our next challenges include bringing samples back to Earth by means of robotic missions, as well as continuing the manned space exploration program to send human beings to Mars and bring them home safely. Inaccurate prediction of the heat load on the surface of a spacecraft may be fatal for the crew or the success of robotic missions. Rocket scientists estimate this quantity during the design phase for the heat shield, which is used to protect payload and astronauts. To help them with this estimation, the AEROSPACEPHYS team has investigated the following mission killers: 1) Radiation of the hot dissociated plasma in front of the vehicle, 2) Complex degradation, or ablation, of the thermal protection material, 3) Flow transition from “smooth” laminar regime to turbulent regime. The PI and his team demonstrated that a poor understanding of the coupling between the radiation, ablation, and transition phenomena can lead to severe errors in the heat load prediction.
To avoid space mission failure and ensure safety of the astronauts and payload, aerospace engineers resort to safety factors by increasing the heat shield thickness at the expense of reduced mass of embarked payload. Determination of safety factors relies on a discipline called uncertainty quantification that aims here at developing rigorous methods to characterize the impact of “limited knowledge” on the heat load. The design of the Apollo, Galileo and Huygens probes are famous examples of “lucky” heat shield design based on inaccurate simulations. A possible explanation is that the conventional physico-chemical models used for entry simulations are often stretched dangerously and used out of the validity range for which they have been conceived. Thinking out of the box and conducting basic research were thus necessary for advancements of the models that will define the environment and requirements for the design and safe operation of tomorrow’s space vehicles and planetary probes for the manned space exploration.
Let us recall the three basic ingredients for predictive engineering: 1) Physico-chemical models, 2) Computational methods, 3) Experimental data. The team has integrated new advanced physico-chemical models and computational methods, based on a multidisciplinary approach
developed together with engineers, chemists and applied mathematicians. One successful outcome of the AEROSPACEPHYS project was the development of a new software library called MUTATION++: MUlticomponent Thermodynamic And Transport properties for IONized gases
written in C++. This library packages the state-of-the-art physico-chemical models, algorithms and data developed into a highly extensible and robust software designed to be coupled to simulation tools used by space agencies and industries. In particular, new physico-chemical models on the rotation-vibration energy transfer and dissociation of nitrogen molecules in atmospheric entry flows have been derived at the interface between computational chemistry and computational fluid dynamics.
The AEROSPACEPHYS team and its collaborators have also developed multiphysics and multiscale numerical platforms interfaced to the MUTATION++ library to simulate planetary atmosphere entries, crucial to the new challenges of the manned space exploration program. The team pioneered the use of uncertainty quantification tools in aerospace applications for the prediction of flow transition from laminar to turbulent, as well as for model validation based on experimental data obtained in aerospace facilities. The research focused on the needs of the space agencies, benefitting from a long research experience at the host institution, the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, in supporting aerospace missions. In particular, a close collaboration with the aerospace industry led to the identification of intricate coupling mechanisms between the flow, radiation, and material fields allowing us to accurately predict the complex degradation of a new generation of low-density carbon-resin composite materials that will enable tomorrow’s space journeys.
The project ERC-2015-PoC713726, MUTX is entitled MUTATION++ library, technology transfer from atmospheric entry plasmas to biomass pyrolysis
One successful outcome of the AEROSPACEPHYS ERC StG, entitled “Multiphysics models and simulations for reacting and plasma flows applied to the space exploration program,” is the development of a new software library called MUTATION++: MUlticomponent Thermodynamic And Transport properties for IONized gases in C++. The library compiles the state-of-the-art physico-chemical models and algorithms developed by the team into a highly extensible and robust software package to be coupled to simulation tools used by space agencies and industries. The design of the library allows for high-performance integration in material and flow field simulation tools. MUTATION++ is also shipped with several stand-alone tools that provide up-to-date basic data without proper software linking. Such a compromise allows simulation tool users, who do not have access to the source code, to benefit from these models. Taking community development to the next level requires the improvement and enrichment of the software testing framework and database, giving new users development guidelines and technology transfer examples. The MUTX project will allow us to extend the user base of MUTATION++ to the corporate community. This will require the implementation of tests to ensure the preservation of the library functionalities and performance after each new release and on multiple hardware and software platforms. It will also require the addition of databases for real thermal protection materials currently being developed by the space industry in collaboration with the European Space Agency. The demonstration of a transdisciplinary technology transfer will be achieved by implementing a database for biomass pyrolysis simulation. One long-term goal of the MUTX project is to enable the PI and his team to obtain additional funding through participation in research contracts in collaboration with industrial partners using MUTATION++.
Emission Spectroscopic Boundary Layer Investigation during Ablative Material Testing in Plasmatron video
Bernd Helber, Olivier Chazot, Annick Hubin, Thierry E. Magin
Jove, Date Published: 6/09/2016, Issue 112; doi: 10.3791/53742
Electric deep-space engines could bring humankind to Mars
Horizon, By Steve Gillman, 14 March 2016
Developing Aerospace Modeling Tools for Tomorrow’s Space Journeys
Newsletter of the VKI Alumni Association, Issue 12, October 2013, pp 6-8