VKI-Instrumentation service provides different training activities for research and industry professionals:
- Introduction to Measurement Techniques lecture series: The objective of this course is to provide young engineers with a broad overview of traditional and advanced measurement techniques applicable to fluid dynamics. Each measurement technique and its field of application will be described. Limitations and advantages will be discussed and special attention will be given to the subject of error estimation. A choice of relevant techniques will be demonstrated to groups of five people maximum during lab sessions on Thursday afternoon and Friday in the VKI facilities. This will provide an opportunity to manipulate the available hardware and will allow for discussion of individual problems. This course, prepared and presented by the VKI teaching staff, is based on a long experience with the different techniques for research applications. Lectures are given by experienced faculty members and research engineers of the von Karman Institute. The Director of this course is Professor Tony Arts of the von Karman Institute.
- Dedicated courses: the objective is to provide training on a limited selection of topics. The course consists on frontal classes and practical demonstrations. During the frontal teaching sessions, the selected measurement techniques will be described in detail. At first, the theoretical background will be introduced, the typical measurement chain will be then described and the calibration and measurement procedures discussed. The typical error sources will be discussed and the uncertainty computations outlined. Practical sessions can be designed with the intent of putting in practice the concepts introduced during the frontal teaching.