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The Turbomachinery and Propulsion Department (TU) built its long-lasting experimental tradition on-field, conceiving, developing and operating measurement techniques and devices that could stand the challenging conditions of typical turbomachinery flows.
The portfolio of the TU Department provides a wide range of measurement techniques of interest for the turbomachinery community, from pressure and temperature measurements to heat-transfer and turbulence characterization, with particular attention devoted to the miniaturization of the devices and their applicability to real engine testing.
Within the VKI-Instrumentation Service, the TU Department provides its expertise in the following fields:
Within the VKI-Instrumentation Service, the TU Department provides its expertise in the following fields:
Pressure measurements
- Pneumatic miniaturized total pressure probes
- Pneumatic miniaturized multi-hole probes (3hole, 4hole and 5hole probes)
- Cooled pneumatic multi-hole pressure probes
- Fast-response total pressure and directional probes (virtual 3hole, 3hole)
- Cooled fast-response pressure probe (up to 1700 [K])
Research and Development
Experimentally and numerically driven optimization of high performance instrumentation for real engine testing
Aude Lahalle
Instrumentation has a crucial role at every step of the development process of new components: it provides valuable information during the design phase and ...
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The characterization of turbulence in high speed compressible and complex industrial flows
PhD member: Elissavet Boufidi
A rigorous characterization of flow turbulence (i.e. turbulence intensity, time and length scales, spectrum) is needed to better understand loss ...
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PROBAND Probe development and hot wire measurements in an industrial fan
EVI-GTI Fast response pressure probes within real engine conditions (High pressure and temperature
STARGATE Development of high temperature probes
FACTOR Non-cooled high-frequency / high-temperature pressure probe, instrumentation of rotor disk