ENODISE Aircraft Design Competition
The ENODISE Consortium is launching a Master Students Competition for the preliminary design of disruptive low-noise and low-emissions aircraft.
Registration from 01/04/23 to 31/10/23
Two aircraft / mission categories are open
- Single aisle medium-range transport aircraft(A320-like mission profile)
- Six-passengers Urban Air Mobility electric aircraft (free design)
The preliminary design should privilege de-carbonized or low-CO2 solutions, optimize the aero-propulsive efficiency during all flight phases while minimizing the acoustic
footprint during take-off, departure, approach and landing.
The detailed mission profiles and more information about the evaluation process will be shortly posted on this page.
The design report should contain at least the following:
- the overall aircraft layout
- the layout of the propulsive system and its integration with the airframe
- the flight path (altitude & speed, operational settings)
- a calculation sheet for the overall aircraft performance data(endurance, range, take-off and landing distances and compatibility with existing airport infrastructure, some considerations about the longitudinal/lateral static stability and maneuverability).
The participants are also encouraged to provide an estimation of the integrated CO2 emissions and maximum ground noise levels, in absolute terms or relative to current baseline aircraft.
Participants are welcome to use the information published by the ENODISE consortium partners, as well as any other relevant source.
Out-of-the-box and creative thinking is encouraged, as long as it remains supported through engineering analysis.
The best design of each category will be evaluated by an independent jury of 7 members from academia, research centers & industries.
Registrations are open to a maximum of 10 teams of 4-6 participants about to start their Master in Aerospace, Mechanical Engineering, …
The ENODISE consortium partners are quite mindful of the gender balance issue in STEM, and strongly encourage gender mixity in the teams’ compositions.
Important Dates- 15 February 2023: Request for Proposal issued by ENODISE consortium
- 1 April – 31 October 2023: teams registration
- 1 June 2024 – 31 August 2024: submission of design proposals
- September 2024: evaluation of the propositions by the jury
- 30 September 2024: proclamation of the results and award ceremony
- financial support to have their design 3D-printed
- financial support to present their conceptual design at an international conference or in a journal paper
To register please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., indicating:
- the team composition (names, emails) as well as the contact details of their academic advisor(s),
- the coordinates of the team captain,
- the category in which the proposal will be competing,
- the planned proposal submission date (within the abovementioned window)