17 March 2022
First ENODISE Public Workshop
Experimental and Numerical Setups for New Databases on Disruptive Airframe-Propulsion Integration Concepts
Digital Event
ENODISE is aimed at reducing aircraft noise and gaseous-polluting emissions through novel aircraft architectures. These feature a much tighter integration of the propulsion system with the airframe than in conventional aircraft. Complex aerodynamic and acoustic engine-airframe interactions result, which must be better understood to achieve the envisaged benefits. ENODISE investigates the key aeroacoustic installation effects at low TRL level, and provides a solid background of knowledge and methods, based on simplified but typical configurations, allowing several integration solutions to be evaluated.
The first public workshop will present the research developed within the ENODISE project, addressing Boundary Layer Ingestion (BLI) propulsion systems, Distributed Electric Propulsion (DEP) systems, and multi-copter propulsion systems. For each category, generic laboratory mock-ups have been devised, which will be investigated using advanced experimental and numerical techniques. This will lead to new integration guidelines and publicly available benchmark datasets supporting the development of novel aircraft systems.
This workshop will detail the design and instrumentation of the new experimental mockups, together with the simulations developed to generate complementary numerical datasets. The workshop will also address formats and documentation strategies of the future databases. Vivid interactions with the public will be expected in order to enhance the relevance of the research outputs and of the benchmark datasets in particular.
09:00 - 09:30
General presentation of ENODISE
Christophe Schram, von Karman Institute
09:30 - 10:15
Overview of benchmarks and relevance to actual configurations
- BLI: wall-mounted and semi-buried propulsion systems
- DEP: pylon- and control surface- mounted propulsion systems
- Multi-copters: multirotor propulsion systems
10:15 - 10:30
Coffee Break
10:30 -12:00
Detailed presentation of the wall-mounted and semi-buried propulsion generic configurations
- Numerical methods for aerodynamic and noise prediction Test matrix (baseline and parametric studies)
- Database information (availability, documentation, formats)
Chairman: Mahdi Azarpeyvand, University of Bristol
12:00 -12:30
Discussions about BLI configurations
12:30 -13:30
Lunch break
13:30 -15:00
Detailed presentation of the pylon- and control surface- mounted propulsion configurations
- Numerical methods for aerodynamic and noise prediction Test matrix (baseline and parametric studies)
- Database information (availability, documentation, formats)
Chairman: Francesco Avallone, TU Delft
15:00 - 15:30
Discussions about DEP configurations
15:30 - 15:45
Coffee Break
15:45 - 17:15
Detailed presentations of the multi-rotor configurations
- Database information (availability, documentation, formats)