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September 14-16, 2009
von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics
Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium

4th Symposium on Integrating CFD and Experiments in Aerodynamics


Symposium Fee

The registration fee of €400 (early registration €300 before July 1st, 2009) includes bus transport between hotel and conference location, proceedings, lunches, cocktails, coffee breaks, and the banquet. Participants are advised to make hotel reservations as early as possible through VKI in order to benefit from the special rates. The recommended hotels, listed on the conference website, are within walking distance from the Center of Brussels. A train service links the Brussels International Airport Zaventem with the Gare du Nord (15' journey), which is within walking distance of the hotel area.

Methods of Payment

Payment should be preferably done 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the symposium. Payment must be the equivalent of the fee at the prevailing rate of exchange. Only two methods of payment are accepted:

  • 1. By bank transfer to our account Nr 210-0315330-35 at Fortis Bank, avenue de la Forêt de Soignes 322, 1640 Rhode-Saint- Genèse, Belgium. Indicating clearly the name of the participant and symposium title.
    IBAN BE57 2100 3153 3035
  • 2. Or by returning a copy of this invoice with the following information to the VKI administrative office (e-mail: vanhaelen@vki.ac.be, FAX: +32 2 359 96 00).

Registration form

All fields with a * are mandatory. If it's not applicable for you, write "none" in the concerned field.
Title of Lecture Serie*:
Mr / Mrs:
Name and full Address of Company, Institution or University*:
VAT Number of your company / your university*:
Position or title:
Telephone nr*:
Fax nr*:
Undergraduate student
Ph.D. Candidate or University assistant not having a Ph.D.
asking a reduced fee/joining a recommendation letter

Hotel reservation

Hotel reservation

VKI secretariat can book rooms upon request in the recommended hotels. Daily rates include all charges and continental breakfast. These prices are indicative and could be subject to changes. However, participants could occasionally find special offers on hotel websites. If you book a hotel on your own, please be sure it is near the VKI bus location at Place Rogier.
(If applicable) I require accommodation at hotel
for person(s)
Date of arrival:
Date of departure:
I shall require transport to and from the Institute
I do not require transport to and from the Institute
Please indicate any special needs (e.g. vegetarian, ...):