The conference SIMBIO 2011, Simulation and Modeling of Biological Flows, will be held in September 21-23, 2011 at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium. The Conference is organized by Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the von Karman Institute and CEMAT-IST/UTL
The conference is sponsored by
Conference Topics
- cardiovascular system
- hemodynamics
- fluid and solute transport in bones
- artificial blood pumps
- flow in airways
- aerosol flows
- nanoparticle flows
- phonation and speech production
- Fluid-wall interaction in biological flows
- biochemical transport and drug delivery
- blood rheology
- multiscale methods for vascular flows
Invited Speakers
- Luca Formaggia, Politecnico di Milano
- Jean-Frederic Gerbeau, INRIA Rocquencourt
- Ching-Long Lin, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Iowa
- Anne M. Robertson, Mechanical Engineering, University Pittsburgh
Important dates
Deadline submission 2 page abstract: Extended with 1 month to May 1, 2011
Notification of abstract acceptance: Extended with 1 month to June 1, 2011
Deadline submission full paper: August 1, 2011
Registration fees
Registration fees | Before July 1, 2011 | After July 1, 2011 |
Full registration | 400 Euro | 500 Euro |
Students (*) | 200 Euro | 300 Euro |
Conference dinner | 75 Euro | 75 Euro |
Registration fee includes:
* Admission to meetings
* Conference proceedings (USB)
* Program book with abstracts
* Coffee breaks and lunches
* Welcome reception
* Conference dinner
(*) conference dinner not included
Confirmation of student identity required (letter from their professor)
Webmaster: C. Debeer