Introduction to computational fluid Dynamics - VKI LS
Monday 11 January 2010 - Friday 15 January 2010This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone: + 32 2 359 96 04, fax: +32 2 359 96 00
From January 11 to January 15, 2010
von Karman Institute, Rhode-St-Genèse, Belgium
The objective of this course is to provide an elementary tutorial presentation on computational fluid dynamics (CFD), emphasizing the fundamentals and surveying a variety of solution techniques whose applications range from low speed incompressible flow to hypersonic flow. The course is aimed at persons who have had little or no experience in this field, both recent graduates as well as professional engineers, and will provide
- an insight into the philosophy and power of CFD
- an understanding of the mathematical nature of the fluid dynamics equations
- a familiarity with various solution techniques
At the conclusion of the course, an attendee will be well prepared to understand the literature in this field, to follow more sophisticated state-of-the-art lecture series, and to begin the application of CFD to his or her special areas of concern. While the techniques to be discussed will be applicable to all fields of fluid dynamics, the lecturers and the majority of examples presented will carry a strong flavor of aeronautics.
The Director of this lecture series is Professor G. Degrez of the von Karman Institute.
MONDAY 11 January 2010
- 08.45 Registration
- 09.15 Welcome, introductory remarks
- 09.45 Basic philosophy of CFD
Prof. J.D. Anderson, Jr., University of Maryland, USA - 11.00 Forms of the governing equations particularly suited for CFD : non-conservative,conservative, flux vectors
Prof. J.D. Anderson, Jr. - 14.00 Mathematical properties of the fluid dynamic equations : influence on appropriate numerical techniques; stability considerations
Prof. J.D. Anderson, Jr. - 15.45 Mathematical properties of the fluid dynamic equations (continued)
Prof. J.D. Anderson, Jr. - 17.00 Reception
TUESDAY 12 January 2010
- 09.00 Discretisation of partial differential equations : finite differences
Prof. J.D. Anderson, Jr. - 11.00 Discretisation of partial differential equations (continued)
Prof. J.D. Anderson, Jr. - 14.00 Transformation and grids
Prof. J.D. Anderson, Jr. - 15.45 Explicit methods for inviscid and viscous compressible flows
Prof. J.D. Anderson, Jr.
WEDNESDAY 13 January 2010
- 09.00 Explicit methods (continued)
Prof. J.D. Anderson, Jr. - 11.00 Implicit time dependent methods for inviscid and viscous compressible flows
Prof. G. Degrez, von Karman Institute - 14.00 Implicit methods (continued)
Prof. G. Degrez - 15.45 Implicit methods (continued)
Prof. G. Degrez
THURSDAY 14 January 2010
- 09.00 Implicit methods (continued)
Prof. G. Degrez - 11.00 Finite volume methods
Prof. E. Dick, University of Gent, Belgium - 14.00 Finite element methods
Prof. E. Dick - 15.45 Finite element methods (continued)
Prof. E. Dick
FRIDAY 15 January 2010
- 09.00 Aspects of CFD computations with commercial packages
Prof. J. Vierendeels, University of Gent, Belgium - 11.00 Boundary layer equations and methods of solution
Prof. R. Grundmann, TU Dresden, Germany - 13;45 Boundary layer equations (continued)
Prof. R. Grundmann - 15.00 Adjourn
Location : von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Rhode-St-Genèse, Belgium
From 11.01.2010 to 15.01.2010