PhD Symposium: Best presentation Award 2014 attributed to Jorge Pinho

The fifth symposium on the doctoral research of the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics took place during the period March 10 to 12, 2014. The doctoral students have presented the progress of their research work carried out in the three departments: Aeronautics and Aerospace, Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics, Turbomachinery and Propulsion. The first year students have presented a poster on their research plans and some preliminary results, while the most advanced students have proposed a twenty minute presentation followed by a session of questions.

Jorge Pinho receiving the prizeThis year, the best presentation award has been attributed to Jorge Pinho for his research on Experimental Study and Modeling of Two-phase Flow cavitation through Complex Valves. We would like to congratulate him on his achievement.

This fifth symposium was attended by the faculty of the von Karman Institute as well as by some colleagues from universities and industrial partners. The Symposium was open to external attendees free of charge. In addition to the presentations of the PhD candidates, we had the pleasure to welcome prominent keynote lecturers who have opened each day the Symposium:
•    Richard Schwane, ESA ESTEC, The Netherlands, “Multi disciplinary flow investigations at the European Space Agency”.
•    Gérard Bois, Laboratoire de Mécanique de Lilles 3, France, “Some research aspects on hydraulic rotating pumps”.
•    Mario Ricchiuto, INRIA Bordeaux, France, “Upwind Residual discretizations for depth averaged wave propagation”.

The PhD Book 2013-2014 will available online in September 2014.
