Belgian Hydrogen Fundamental Expertise

The von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics is proud to be part of the project Be-HyFE (Belgian university Hydrogen Fundamental Expertise), the Belgian base for hydrogen expertise. Ghent University, together with 13 partners, is building a PhD network for academic hydrogen expertise in which VKI is full partner and is hosting one of the PhDs.

With the PhD network, we will support the industry in their technical and societal challenges related to hydrogen R&D. 16 Early Stage Researchers (PhDs) will execute a PhD in selected hydrogen topics, covering the whole hydrogen value chain.

In addition to the research itself, emphasis will be placed on acquiring specialized skills through training and the exchange of knowledge within the academic-industrial network.

The project will run for 4,5 years, is coordinated by Ghent University, and is financially supported by the Belgian federal Energy Transition Fund and the FPS Economy.

